Chapter Eight

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Thursday - Band practice

I'm so nervous, Ashton had attempted to teach me the other songs that he knew we would be playing at the gig, if we don't swap back by then, god i really hope so.

"How about Eighteen?" I interrupted the boys squabbling over what song to do next, like I've said before, they're like five year old's. They all stopped shouting at each other and turned to face me behind the drum kit, I really have started to like playing the drums, it's a good way to get rid of my anger. Sometimes when I get really annoyed at Ashton I pretend he's one of the drums, and hit it as hard as I can. Last time I did that I broke it, and Ashton went off in a grumpy mood. Obviously I got it fixed for him, I'm not that mean.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Calum beamed. I just wanted to do a little dance but I stopped myself, Eighteen and Voodoo Doll are my favorites, even though they're quite tricky to play I still love them. Also having a great teacher does help, yes I did just call Ashton a great teacher, don't faint in shock please.

"Ashton?" Luke came forward towards me as he waved a hand in front of me, I keep zoning out, and Michael especially gets annoyed with it, his reaction can be quite funny sometimes but you have to know how far to push it. If you push him too far then shits going down, I learned that a few days ago...

I mumbled a sorry to them and counted us in.

"1, 2, 3, 4..." I shouted as I slammed down the drumsticks onto the drums in an Ashton like way.

* * *

Wow that was hard work, very hard work in fact. I threw myself on the sofa in Ashton's basement as Luke sat in a smaller sofa, and Calum and Mikey on the floor. I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I pulled a disgusted face, ew. I'm so glad I have muscles at the moment because trying to drum with my body would be a big fail, huge.

"Wanna play Fifa?" Michael raised his eyebrows, looking genuinely excited.

I groaned at the thought; I hate Fifa, and Ashton isn't too keen on it so I get away with not playing it, because nobody ever suspects anything. Michael always brings round Fifa, as Ashton doesn't own it, but he has an Xbox.

I've been thinking, funny cause i think way too much than I should do, but I think Luke has his suspicions, its like he knows, even though I know he doesn't, but it's just strange. I closed my eyes as they set up Fifa, his basement is actually really big, most of it is like band equipment, but the other half is like a mini games room, with the television, a very old looking pool table and a punch bag thing in the corner, I guess that's fun for these guys?

The sound of cheers and grunts slowly faded from my hearing as i snuggled up into the sofa, it was actually really comfy, and I had suddenly become tired, so it was perfect.

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing, I struggled to get it out of my jeans; why does Ashton have jeans that are so tight? Not to mention about them being uncomfortable. After a struggle I finally saved my phone and answered the call; not bothering to see who it was.

"Stel where are you? It's like 7 in the morning and you aren't back, plus we have school today so you better hurry up, but um there's a situation I'm in and it's really embarrassing." Panic showing in his tone.

"Yeah yeah I know, i'll be back soon, what do you want?" I groaned still half asleep.

"This is so embarrassing, but um is it your time off the month or something... I'm fucking leaking."

As soon as I got what he meant, i couldn't help but go into fits of laughter, I totally forgot about this problem, I really should've warned him, but this is too funny to care right now.

"Im sorry Ashton i'll be round in a few minutes." I said in between fits of laughter as I then cut him off.

I rose from the sofa and I rubbed my eyes, paying attention to the note on the coffee table that read:

'We would normally say goodbye, but you were asleep and you did well in the band practice so we thought that we'd let you off this one time, see you tomorrow mate,

Cal, Mikey, Lucas :-)'


"But they're so uncomfortable!" Ashton whined shuffling around on his seat.

I had shown him how to use pads, and so far it isn't going to well.

I shook my head laughing, "Well whether you like it or not you have to wear it okay." I sighed.

"I hate you right now." He scowled, which only made me go into fits of laughter.

"I'm sure you don't hate me, I'm too awesome for that." I winked jokingly.

"Did Stella Jaye just wink?" He gasped in horror.

As I stood up I playfully punched his arm, which earned me a scowl and a few curse words.

"Can you get me a hot water bottle?" He pouted, "pretty preety please?"

I gave in to him after a couple of minutes watching him batter his newly long eyelashes at me.

I walked into the kitchen, opening the storage cupboard and bringing out a pink fluffy covered one. I'm not going to take the cover off, just to embarrass Ashton even more.

Shoving it into the microwave and putting the timer set onto 2 minutes I leaned against the counter, tapping my fingers onto the marble work top impatiently.

I heard foot steps coming from upstairs, guessing it was Ashton, my assumption was then confirmed when a sad looking me walked in, which was really a sad looking Ashton with my features.

"Hasn't it done already, why are you taking so long?" He groaned dragging his feet along the floor.

"Why are you being so rude?"

"Because your taking way too long, just hurry up."

"How is it my fault?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"It is your fault, everything is!" He growled, taking a step closer to me.

"Who's got on the wrong side of you?" I yelled.

"Your annoying me, as usual."

"I haven't even done anything, one moment your fine and the next your a dick to me!"

"Why do you always think everything's about you?" He laughed running his hands through his hair.

"I don't, just stop shouting at me okay." I tried backing away, starting to get a little scared at the way Ashton's acting.




He didn't finish as suddening tip toed, coming up to my height before smashing his lips onto mine, this was definitely not right, I don't know what to do? I pushed him off of me, in a quick response to what had just happened. What is even happening right now, confusion is taking over my actions.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I screamed at him, anger filling my face.

I don't know what I'm more angry about, him kissing me, or me liking it.



woah even I didn't see that coming..

Sorry about the late and short update, I wrote all the chapter out in a totally different way and then my laptop decided to shut down without me saving it.. so it was gone😔

I hate re writing stuff! But anyway here you go, vote comment what ever floats your boat!

Bye plant pots✌️

A Bit Of Love Hate // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now