Chapter Fourteen

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I sat on Calum's sofa looking at my odd socks, somehow feeling ashamed of myself. Cal was sat next to me while Luke stood towering over us, almost like a mother telling off her two kids for doing something unforgivable.

"I know you guys kissed, stop fucking lying to me." Luke was really angry with us at this moment in time, but we still haven't admitted to it yet, and it looks like Luke isn't happy with that fact.

"For the last time Luke, we were only hugging, we were having a deep conversation because Ashton was upset, and I'm sorry for helping my best friend out, it's something friends are meant to do." Calum glared at Luke whilst running his hand through his hair, which had a slightly curly look today, to be honest he was very hot when he was annoyed.

"Stop it Calum, you're not doing yourself any favours. I forgot my iPod, so I was going to knock on the window because you were sat in the living room when I left, but when I saw you two, I just couldn't stay," He sighed, "Calum, are you, I mean are you gay?"

Calum rose from his seat, his fist clenched at his sides, "What did you fucking say?" He spat, obviously pissed at Luke's previous question.

"Are you gay?" He smirked, somehow Luke was seeing this more of a joke, I thought he would be more understanding to be very honest.

I saw Calum about to run at Luke, but before he could even take more than two steps I rushed to stand in front of him, grabbing both of his arms while doing so, "Cal, calm down, he's your best friend." I spoke calmly.

"Aw is your boyfriend protecting you? Bless you." I turned around to Luke to see him smirking.

"I suggest you go Luke, you've caused enough as it is." I glare at him.

"Fine, but don't think i'm going to drop this subject. Don't rush to make out when I leave." He spoke just before he left the house.

I turned back around to Calum, his fist still clasped together slightly so his knuckles were white, I knew I couldn't do anything to make things better at this moment in time, so all I could think of is pull him into a hug. I felt his body slowly start to relax, that was something neither of us expected to happen.

He pulled away after a few moments of silence, "Can we just forget about it for a moment Stel, anyway I need you to go and see Ashton." He smiled, which I had learnt was a forced one.


After a couple of hours thinking whether or not to go and see Ashton, Calum decided i was going and that was that. It was around half past six by now, and i was getting sleepy already, me and Cal had agreed to go to school tomorrow, as we've missed so much recently it's crazy.

I had left Calum making sure he was okay before I left and started walking to my house, thank god all of our houses are within walking distance, apart from Michael's, so we hardly go there unless it's urgent because it's to much effort to get there, even though Ashton has his licence, because he is the oldest, he hardly ever drives, and obviously I'm not old enough to drive yet.

When I reached my house I pulled out my phone and called Ashton.


"Hey Ashton let me in, we need to talk."

"Fine." He spat before hanging up, just my luck to catch him in a bad mood.

A few minutes later I heard the door open and saw Ashton stood in the doorway, "What do you want?" He groaned whilst leaning on the door.

I decided to ignore his awful attitude, and pushed past him running up to my room, just fast enough so dad didn't catch me as mum was at work still. When I got up to my room and so did he, I shut the door then sat on my ready made bed.

"Why were you lying to me earlier?"

"What?" He asked, a little shocked at my sudden question.

"Why were you lying to me earlier?" I repeated, raising my voice slightly.

"About what?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck with his hand like he usually does when he's nervous.

"Why you were mad, it wasn't just because you didn't want to ruin your friendship with Calum was it?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes it was Stella! Don't fucking accuse me of lying!" He growled.

"Yeah okay, like I believe you." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Your the liar Stella."

"What?" I shouted, confused at his sudden statement.

"You tell yourself that you hate me, but that's not true is it." He walked over to me while I sat on my bed, I just wanted to curl up into the covers and wake up as myself.

"Of- Of course it's true." I stuttered.

"You only stutter when your nervous or lying."

"You don't know me!" I glare at him as his body came closer, causing me to shuffle back on the bed so my back rested on the wall.

"I do Stella."

I felt hot tears drip onto my cheeks, and that's when I realized I was crying, over Ashton. The fact I promised myself I wouldn't ever like him and I broke it made me feel worthless, I broke a promise to myself. I don't want to feel these feelings, I tell myself it's hatred, but it's not, definitely not, it's, I don't even know what it is.

"Hey don't cry." He whispered whilst wiping the tears off of my pale cheeks with his thumb, "I know how you feel Stella."

"No you don't!" I screamed at him trying to get out of his grasp that was now holding me close. I punched his chest in anger while still crying, but my weakness didn't let me go, wether he was in a girls body or not, he wouldn't let me go.


Soft words sent me to sleep, last time I had looked at the clock it was around 8, he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck while still holding me close in his arms. Yes we hated each other, but no words had to be exchanged at moments like this. The moment of realization of when the person you have hated for all these years, was the person that meant so much to you, but you wouldn't let yourself believe it.

"Stel, we have to go to school." Whispers woke me up, the memories of last night came flooding back, he somehow knew how I felt.

I twisted around to the other side whilst pulling up the covers over my head, mumbling a 'no'.

The cool crisp air bit at my exposed arms as the covers were pulled of me, and giggles erupted from the side of the bed.

"Come on Stel, we need to go!" Ashton giggled.

"Why?" I turned back over to face him and pouted.

"Because you need to actually get a job after this situation okay, I know you haven't been often so you need to go."

"That's if we get out of this situation."


So I'm going to try and do more updates but less in an update if that makes sense? This is probably the most boring chapter to ever have been written so I'm sorry, hopefully lots of drama to come soon!

Please comment and vote it would mean so much to me!

Comment if you ship Sashton or Calla?

It would be really helpful if I knew, thanks and bye!

A Bit Of Love Hate // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now