Darkness is over me

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I found myself hovering over my body that didn't move. I found myself seeing nothing but darkness. I found myself standing around four white walls while my body laid their limb on my bed. I remember having conversations with Wayne that day. Wayne and I's conversation: " Brittany what are you doing? " he asked me with this worried look on his face. My response was " I'm tired. I just wanted to sleep, and I wanted to see you again, and tell you that I never said goodbye to you and told you I loved you. I see you now though so take me with you please?" "Brittany I can't take you with me because you wouldn't go there. Look I understand you blame yourself even though you shouldn't, but understand that I love you and I'm doing this for your own good. It's not your time yet little cousin. It's just not your time." As Wayne disappeared, I heard a door get kicked in, shadow barking, and someone screamed "BRITTANY WHAT DID YOU DO!!" Keisha screamed that like it would make me wake up. She tried shaking me, and I felt something pulling me back down to my body. I also kept hearing my cousin slowly saying "it's not your time." Once my spirit was released from limbo, and I came back to. Keisha and my family kicked the door down to get into my apartment. Once they found me laying on my bed my mom didn't know what to do. She keep asking me what was wrong like I could answer her. So, Keisha who was pregnant at the time picked me up, and put me in the bathtub. She bathed me, and when she was finished picked me up, placed me on the bed, and put my clothes on for me. While in the middle of all this I started throwing up, and Keisha picked me up so I wouldn't choke. You would think my mother would be doing all this, but she isn't doing nothing but trying to figure out what I took. Anyway, after putting me some clothes on my mom took me to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital, I went in through the emergency room, and that's when the whole adventure began. 

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