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real life


all i could hear was the ringing of my alarm, indicating that i should get up and freshen up for school.

i was actually kind of excited for school today because today are the tryouts for the school play, Sleeping Beauty.

after sitting up on my bed, i grab my phone to check any notifications that went off while i was sleeping. i smiled to myself at the previous comments from my instagram post. i was still wondering why justin foley commented on my picture.

it couldn't mean anything, it was an up arrow, i thought to myself.

i actually get out of bed and go to my messy, unorganized closet to find a outfit to wear for the school day. after finding something decent to go to school in, i go to the bathroom and do all that stuff.

"good morning mom." i say to my mother, currently cooking breakfast.

"hello sweetheart. your lunch is in the fridge and breakfast is ready now!" my mom laughs from across the kitchen.

"i think im gonna go without breakfast today. i want to get to school early for auditions and all that jazz." i say to my mom, grabbing my backpack and lunch.

"ok sweetie. see you later. good luck!" my mom said while hugging me.

"bye mom." i giggle, walking out the door.

it's finally time for auditions since the school day was over. i walk with my phone in my hand to the auditorium where auditions are being held.

"listen up everybody!" ms. garcia yells, while clapping her hands, signaling that she wanted everyone's attention, "for the scene you are auditioning with, you will need to find a partner, preferably other than your gender, and do the scene with them." i looked around the room and realized that i dont know anyone here.

"who doesn't have a partner?" ms. garcia yells once again. i awkwardly raise my hand and on the other side of the stage, i see a hand go up.

"justin and rylee, partners. now that everything is settled, go over your scene! chop chop!" ms. garcia says to the people who are listening, instead of chatting.

"well well, justin foley trying out for the school play. what got you into that?" i say looking into his eyes.

"ahh jess made me do it. of course she's a no go the day of auditions." justin says, smiling back at me.

"you of all people know how girls are." i laugh. he laughs along with me and i couldn't help but stare at the floor to hide the blushing. he lifts my chin up with his pointer finger and shyly smiles at me. we snap back into reality when we hear ms. garcia screaming our names.

"justin! rylee! you're up!" the yell echoed across the room and we were one of the only people on stage. we left each other's presence and walk to the center of the stage, script in hand.

"you guys will be doing the scene where Aurora and Prince Phillip meet in the woods." ms. garcia softly says into the microphone.

"for once she doesn't yell." i whisper to justin secretly. he laughs as we get ourselves into position.



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