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text messages and real life


so you told jess?

yeah. did she say anything
to you?

she said things..

like what?

she called me a slut and she
doesn't want to be seen with
me in public

rylee im so sorry

you know how great it feels
to have one of your best friends
call you a slut and not want to be in
public with you? because it feels great

i'm coming over

read at 12:32am


i put my phone on my bed as i felt the tears stream down my face, making the dried ones vanish.

i pulled my pillow into my chest, sobbing into the fabric, chocking on my breaths.

i hear a muffled patter on my window, so i get off the bed and open the window to see a justin staring at me with pity eyes.

"come in." i whimper to him. he climbs in and immediately hugs me, his eyes glassy.

i cry hard into his shoulder, his hand on the back of my head, mine wrapped around his neck.

we just stayed there until i calmed down my crying and slowed my breaths

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we just stayed there until i calmed down my crying and slowed my breaths.

justin slowly kissed my head and i felt my eyes grow heavy.

justin's p.o.v.

i look down to rylee and see that she peacefully fell asleep on me.

i pull her up from the ground and walk over to her bed, softly putting her down.

she pulls the sheets over her body and lays down on her pillow.

i kiss her forehead and walk to her window, and hear a mumble before i open it.

"justin?" the voice calls. i turn to see rylee facing me with red, sympathetic eyes.

"yeah?" i whisper back.

"can you stay here with me?" she faintly calls out.

"of course." i walk over to her bed and lay down next to her, wrapping my arm around her waist, her head on my chest.

"thank you." she mumbles.

"my pleasure."


don't let go | justin foley Where stories live. Discover now