thirty one

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real life


3 weeks later...

tonight was the night!

the play would begin at 6:30 and the whole school will be there! i'm fucking petrified.

we just went to lunch and hannah, jess, jeff, and i were sitting down, waiting for justin to get out of the lunch line.

"so, has justin asked you to the winter formal yet?" hannah asks me with a wide smirk. the whole table looks at me with excitement in their eyes.

"no he hasn't." i say dropping my fork back on my tray.

"what the hell why?!" jeff practically screams. i smack his arm for his yelling and he whispers a soft 'ouch'.

"to be honest i don't know. it's in four days. i would have guessed he would have done it by now." i say furrowing my eyebrows as everyone nods in agreement.

"hey babe." i feel an arm wrap around my waist and a kiss pressed to my cheek done by none other than justin foley.

"hi." i smile as hannah squeals. i playfully roll my eyes and return my attention to justin. 

"are you ready for tonight?" i steal a french fry from his plate and reply.

"yes i'm so excited! but i'm also really nervous." i giggle, munching on the fry.

"don't be scared at all. you're going to steal the show princess." ever since we got back to rehearsal, he always called me princess.

"thanks." i blush and peck his cheek.

"cuteness overload i can't!" hannah yells and gets up from her sitting position and walks away with her right hand and head up. i look over to justin and we both break out laughing and soon everyone else joins in.

i'm glad i'm alive.

i was backstage, fixing up my makeup and having my microphone readjusted, ready for my next scene where i meet the spinning wheel and prick my finger.

"rylee, you're up!" i hear someone call my name and walk towards the curtains, ready for the scene. i look back and the same guy who called me gave me a thumbs up, signaling that it was time to do this.

i step foot onto the stage, the spotlight shining only on me and my blue dress and the music playing. my gaze is entirely focused to the front of me, the green light on the black back drop following my eyes.

i'm almost at the end of the right part of the stage when the green light grows and lands on the spinning wheel hidden in the darkness. my hand hesitantly moves towards it, when a voice backstage says "touch the spindle, touch it i say." my hand touches the rounded piece of metal and skye pops up on stage in front of me, blocking me falling on the ground with her gargantuan cape, the three fairies coming in on stage left with petrified faces.

"you poor simple fools think you could defeat me? me, the mistress of all evil! well here's your precious princess." she moves her cape to reveal me on the floor, crown no longer a top of my head. the fairies gasp as skye laughs viscously and walks off stage. after she exits, the three girls crowd around me and the lights go black from what i can tell, since my eyes are closed. i hear applause and i walk off towards the right curtains and a bed comes out so i grab the rose on the bed and get inside, pretending to be asleep.

the lights arise and from practicing, i could tell that the fairies were next to me, placing a blanket over my lower half and they pull out handkerchiefs to wipe away their tears.

"how will kind stevens ever find out?" fauna questions.

"they'll be heartbroken." merryweather states with sadness in her eyes.

"they're not going to. we'll put them all to sleep until aurora wakes up." flora realizes and they walk off stage as the lights dim once again.

i've been sitting in this bed for about 30 seconds because it was just pushed out on the black stage.

prince philip had just killed maleficent and come to the "tower" i was sleeping in.

the soft music perks up and justin comes out from stage left looking at my sleeping state. i could tell that he was about to come walk towards the bed slowly because in rehearsals i practiced with my eyes open.

i felt a dip in the bed right next to my left legs that were under the thin blue blanket. justin places his hand below my head and leans down. a long gentle kiss is placed on my not moving lips. he returns his position to sitting up and my eyes slowly flutter open. when they are fully open, a smile tugs at my lips and justin smiles back, with a genuine smile, not one that he had to put on for the play.

the lights dim again and i hear applause as the bed gets pushed off stage and the king and queens thrones get pushed on. i climb off the bed once it's off stage and give justin a smile before interlocking arms with him.

we walk on stage after the king has said a few words to his castle worker. we arrive center stage and his arm goes around my waist as mine goes to his shoulder and both of our
free hands join together. i waltz across stage as he follows and lustily look into his eyes. i couldn't help but smile at the perfect situation.

the play ended and it was time for bows. everyone was off stage and music was playing. i wasn't paying attention until i saw skye go up and bow. the three fairies went up and then justin went on, giving me a wink before running on stage. the audience got louder as he ran on. i knew it was my turn so i come out from the left side and the screams and clapping gets even higher than they were. i took my bow and then everyone came on stage, interlocked hands, and took a big bow.

justin was on my right and he pulls us forward so we were in our own line. the people settled down to just some quiet claps. he runs off stage right and comes back with a poster that says
'put your hands in the holes of my sweater at the winter formal', quoting one of my favorite songs, sweater weather by the neighborhood.

i pull a hand to my mouth to contain the laughter. the audience cheers and aw's and i nod my head yes laughing my ass off. he drops the poster and i give him a huge hug. everyone started cheering "kiss" and took out their phones to record it. i pull away and we both press a kiss to each other's lips and everyone screams.

this is my happily ever after.


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