Self-Inflicted Achromatic (English Cover) by JubyPhonic

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I wanna be like you, I wanna say that I can
I wanna be the person that you think that I am
But even if I had it all come true like a dream
Is the person I came to be the really real me?

So young and simple
Wishing like things would come true
Now as I am
I understand it's best I die and soon

Just by living
I'm hurting them another day
Hundreds cry
All I do is ruin everything
Nobody wanted me
No one there to need
If only I could live in that kind of world I dreamed

Just by leaving
I'm helping them another day
Hundreds smile
All they do is laugh at everything
Nobody there to scream
No more being mean but see
Things like that would never happen for me

Day after day I found my way
Sleepwalking through
Like this I'll fade without a trace
It's for the best I do

Just by living
I'm nothing for another day
Hundred lives
Never knowing me or anything
Nobody wanted me
No one there to need
Why would I wanna live in the kind of world I see?

Just by leaving
I'm no one for another day
Hundred lives
Never changing them or anything
Nobody there to scream
No more being mean to me
Then could I have it all back in one piece?

In the end
We'll fall to the ground again
Over and over and never get up
In the end
The person they made in me
Breaking and breaking and never pick up
In the end
We're leaving it all again
Over and over and never wake up

Just by living
I'm bringing you another day
Just for me
Can you smile after everything?

In the end
The smile you give to me
Right when I wanted to give it all up
And I really do wish that I didn't
And all of the moments I tried
Just to die said goodbye

Just by leaving
I'm no one for another day
Hundred lives
Never changing them or anything
Somebody here to scream
Someone here is stopping me
Why can't I laugh it off the way that I'd dream?

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