Bailing David

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I woke up the next day and Jess was still cuddling against my chest. She looks so beautiful so peaceful. I stayed there for while until my phone started to ring.

*Ring ring*

Ughhhhhh why can't I just have one peaceful hour to my self serouisly. I grabbed my phone and answered it


N: Hello?

D: Niall! Oh thank god I need your help mate!

N: David?!?! Whats wrong what happen?

D: Niall I need you to bail me out of jail

N: Really David again!

D: Yes just please bail me out they are going to put me to sleep ill do anything ill pay you and when you need help with anything ill be there to help you please

N: Fine ill be there as soon as possible bye

~Call Ended~

"Princess wake up we got some business to do"

I wispered softly. She opened eyes slowly and smiled at me. Her smile soon faded away and she pushed away from me. I felt my heart brake me and her where getting along yesterday I dont know what happpen know. shes acting like she did when I first kidnapped her. Niall you kidnapped her of course shes gonna be mad at you why would you ever think that she would'nt be mad at you. The voice in my head was right why do I even think that me and Jess would ever be friends.I got up and walked to the door.

"Hurry up and get ready we have some work to do." I stepped out of her room and got ready.


Why the hell was he in my bed? Did he fucken sleep with me last night? Doesn't he have his own room his own bed? What the fuck i need to start locking my door. I got off my bed and started to get ready. I walked down stairs and saw Niall sitting on the couch as soon as he saw me he gets up.

"You ready?"

I didnt answer back I dont want to talk to him right know I just want to get this over with so I can go back in my room and go back to sleep. I followed Niall to the car and I opened the door and went inside. He started the car and we were off I was looking out the window. God I miss my family I miss them so much I miss hanging out with my friends going to the mall having foot ball practice I miss my life. I looked at all the kids playing at the park some playing at the play ground and others playing foot ball, I breathed out slowly.

"Whats wrong?"

I turned to look at Niall he looked worried. I was shocked. Did he care about me? Is he worryied about me? Did he really wanted to know how I was feeling and how upset I am? I know what he's trying to do but not this time or the next I have to stay mad at him. I turned back around and looked out the window. ughh I cant take it any longer I hate giving the silent treatment to people its hard for me to stay quite all day

"Nothings wrong I'm just tried, so um where are we going?" He sigh

"We have to bail my friend out of jail"

"Wait we....what do you mean by we?" I was confused why am I apart of this

"I'm gonna need your help princess here your gonna need this" He handed me a gun and put an extra gun in my boot.

"No no no no I will not help you kill people thats your job not mine." I gave him back the guns.

"Princess please I need your help I can't do this by my self theres going to be alot gards and police officers in this prison if I dont get my friend out of jail they'll kill him...please." He looked at me with puppy eyes. Wow he actually has a heart he actually cares about someone.

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