Oh Baby!

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*Couple Months Later*

Jessica's POV

Today is the day, the day I have my baby. My water broke five minutes ago. While I sit on the couch, Niall is racing around the house looking for his keys and my bag. Little does he know I have the keys and my bag. I smiled at him as he panicked. "Where the hell are the keys!"


"Hold up babe, just breath. I need to look for the keys!" I started laughing out loud. "What's so funny?"

"Babe I have the bag and keys." He looked at me annoyed.

"Are you serious, why didn't you tell me!"

"I was trying but you just wouldn't let me!" He rolled his eyes and held out his hand for the keys. I gave him the keys and he slowly lifted me up from the couch and walked me to the car. "Do you think we can get ice cream right now?" 

"No, you're in labor!" I groaned, this is gonna be a long day but I can't wait.


(The next day)

I finally did it. 12 long painful hours and I finally gave birth to baby James. He's so cute, so small, and I instantly fell in love with the little monster. Niall and I decided to keep the baby, we've moved in together and soon we'll be getting married. I think we can handle it.

"He's so beautiful Jess."

"I know, I can't wait to bring him home!" I gave James a peck on his forehead, and slowly caressed his head. "We're gonna be great parents." I looked up at Niall, a big smile formed on my face. Niall kissed my lips.

"I'm so lucky to have you, I love you Jess."

"I love you too Ni." Someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" Louis, Liam, and Harry walked in the room.

"Is that my little Nephew?" Louis asked, joy filled his eyes.

"It sure is!" I giggled. "Wanna hold him?"

"Well duh." Louis slowly carried him out of my arms. "He looks exactly like his amazing sexy uncle Louis!" I rolled my eyes. "Oh when you get older you're gonna get all the ladies my little man." Louis smiled down at sleepy James, Liam and Harry huddled around him.

"Congrats guys, he's so beautiful." Liam gave Niall a hug, and kissed my cheek. "I'm gonna be the god father, right?" Liam whispered.

"Definitely, it's between us. Shhh." Liam nodded and walked back to Louis and Harry who were fighting over the baby. "Louid let Harry carry the Baby!"

"But...ugh ok."

And this is where my new life begins.

Author's Note:
Well guys this is it, the end to Niall Horan Kiddnap Me. Thank yoi guys for reading all the support you've guys give me in the past. I know this book is like all over the damn place but I wrote this book a long ass time ago and it makes me cringe. Lol, but I pulled through and finished it for you guys. Thank you so much, I love you guys so much. I might make a new book, so please subscrive so you guys can get an update about it. Take care guys! I'll see you at the next book!
Lots of Love XoXo!!!!!!!

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