First Kiss

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(A/N) Just Because I Love You Guys And You Have Been Reading My Story I Have Made A Short Chapter For You Guys As A Thank You I Hope You Like It ~Scarlett


I started to realize what I was doing I opened my eyes and Niall was inches away from my lips. What do I do I can't kiss him its going to be werid later on. "I better go to bed it's getting late." Niall opened his eyes and looked strait in mine. He nodded and he helped me off the floor we both went in our rooms. I changed in to some black sweats and one of Niall's plain white T-shirt. I jumped in bed and let darkness fill my vision.

**Next Day**

I was sitting on the couch in the living room watching ICarly. Niall still haven't got out of bed and I was getting a bit worried. I got off the couch and went upstairs and to his room. Niall was still in his bed fast asleep I climbed in his bed I was facing Niall and Niall was facing me. Even when he's asleep he still looked beautiful.

His hair, lips, skin, nose everything about him is...perfect. Listen to your self Jessica. I am I think his perfect there's nothing wrong with that. Your falling for him Jessica. No...maybe...Yeah I know I am falling for him. I don't know jess you need to be carful you have no idea what Niall is capable of he can brake your heart in two. His not like that he would never do that to me, to him I'm the most fragile thing in the world he wants to protect me he has feelings for me to I just know it.

"Stop looking at me you werido." I chuckled and moved around to look at the ceiling.

"Sorry." he must think I'm crazy god why do I have to do such stupid things I swear ughh I hate my self now.

"What are you doing in my room." he laughed a little bit.

"I was gonna wake you up looked so peaceful I didn't want to bother you." Ughh stupid stupid stupid stupid just shut up jessica shut up please.

"Oh...So what do you want to do today?" Mmh what can we do today I have no Idea "Want to go to the fair?" I got up and started jumping on the bed

"Yes yes yes yayy were going to the fair." he grabbed my arm and pulled me down witch made me fall on top of him. We were looking in each others eyes for a while until I finally got off of him "I'm gonna go get ready." I ran to my room and got ready.

"Princess are you ready?" I got off my bed and opened the door. Niall was leaning on the wall waiting for me. "Ready?" I nodded. We walked to the car and got inside. The whole car ride me and Niall sang along to the songs. It was so much fun but it soon ended because we arrived at the fair.

Niall got us tickets and we got inside we walked around alittle bit to see what rides there was. "So what ride do you want to go on first princess?" I pulled him to a ride where it takes you up your legs are hanging out and it just spins you around everywhere.

(A/N) If You Ever Been To The L.A County Fair Then You Will Know What I'm Talking About But If You Never Went Then I'm Sorry I Don't Know How Else To Explain it

After riding a bunch of rides we went to go eat because Niall was hungry. We both got a slice of pizza and we sat down. I was having so much fun and I'm guessing Niall is to. "So what do you want to go on next after where done eating?" mmh I want to go on something calming and romantic

"How about we go on the faircewheel." he smiled and nodded. We threw our trash away and walked to the ride. We waited in line for awhile untill we finally made it to the front we took our seat and the ride took us up and made a stop.

It was beautiful the night sky was filling my sight millions of stars everywhere the lights from the rides and streets where on. "Its beautiful isn't it?" he stayed quite he's probably admiring the sight that infront of him.

"I've seen stuff way more beautiful then this." I looked at him and he looked at me.

I chuckled "What can possibly be more beautiful then this?" he cupped my cheek and he looked me in the eyes.

"You." He leaned in and his lips pressed against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. His lips moved slowly, yet passionately. My stomach erupted with both butterflies and fireworks We pulled away he rested his forehead against mine both of us breathing heavly. "Princess will you be my girlfriend."

I smiled and gave him the biggest hug I could ever give "Yes yes yes a million times yes." He wrapped his arms around me and pecked my cheek.

We got off the ride and walked around. Niall hugged me and spinned me around he pecked my lips and gently put me on my feet. He didnt let go from the hug my arms where still wrapped around him and his still wrapped around me his chin resting on my head. "You have made me the most happiest man alive."

I looked up at him and smiled I went on my tippy toes and I kissed he's jawline. "And you made me the most happiest girl alive." He kissed my forehead and we let go of each other. We left the fair hand in hand. This is the best day of my life.


Oh My God Finally They Are Together After All This Hiding There Feeling It Finally Paid Off

What Do You Think Is Gonna Happen In The Future?

Do You Think Liam Will Try To Ruin Niall's And Jessica's Relationship?

Do You Think Niall And Liam Will Stay Friends?

Do You Think Jess Still Has Feelings For Niall?

What Did You Think Huh Did Pretty Good For My First Story I Just Want To Say Thank You For Reading My Story It Means A lot To Me I Love You Guys So Much.

Follow. Comment. Share. Like. ~Scarlett

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