Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock which I hated. I turned the beeping off immediately and got out of bed. The house was silent so my mum was either still passed out or we were out of alcohol and she had gone to buy more. I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. The bruise had appeared on my pale skin. It was huge and I knew it would take a lot of make up to cover it up. I got in the shower and let the hot water relax my aching muscles. After a good ten minutes I got out and dried my hair. I threw it up into a messy ponytail leaving my fringe out. I moved on to my make up and I had to apply a lot of foundation which I hated. It was covered but my face still looked a little swelled. I applied a coating of mascara and I was good to go. I quickly got dressed. I put on some skinny jeans that were a size to big for me. They fit when I bought them but I had lost a lot of weight since then. I grabbed a massive black jumper and pulled it over my head.

I went downstairs and my stomach rumbled loudly. I didn't have any food since yesterday lunch time. I went over to the cupboards to look for some bread to make toast or even some cereal. I would eat anything right now. There was nothing. I let out a heavy sigh. My mum will have spent all the money on alcohol and not food. I guess I would have to go hungry. I closed the cupboard door and went outside to my car.

I got in my car and drove to college. I parked in my normal space and got out my schedule. I had no idea where I was since it was a new college year. I had my directed study period first. This meant more time with Mr Haner. I rolled my eyes at the thought even though I did like him. I couldn't let myself get distracted especially by a teacher. I got out and started walking really fast. I put my head to the ground hoping that Nicole wasn't about. Luckily, I reached my locker without being seen. I grabbed my books and rushed to the room I was supposed to be in.

The room was empty except for Mr Haner who had his feet up on the desk. He was sat reading a book with music playing quietly in the background. I had to laugh he wasn't like any of the other teachers. It was like he was still a student. I went and sat down in my seat. He didn't look up once. I concentrated on the music trying to figure out who it was and then it hit me.

"So you like Black Veil Brides?" I turned it more into a question rather than a statement. He looked up from his book shocked. I think he didn't even realise I had walked in.

He put his book down and said, "Yeah, what about you?"

"I think they are good." I replied. He took his feet off of the desk and got up. I looked him up and down he was wearing a tight, light purple shirt that covered all of his tattoos. He was really trying hard to conceal them. He was wearing smart trouser and black shoes. His lips formed a smirk as I looked back up to his face.

He sat down next to me. "So does anyone turn up to this period?" He asked whilst looking at his watch. We were ten minutes into the first period and there was only me present.

"No." I stated. "It's usually just me." I nervously laughed.

He laughed too. "Well at least I don't have to work this period then." He got up and walked over to the door and shut it. He then walked over to his laptop and turned the music up louder. "So who's your favourite band then?" He asked.

"I haven't got one. I love too many to pick just one. I mean I like Escape The Fate and Asking Alexandria. Bands like that. How about you?" I asked.

"Same. We have the same music taste then." He replied and laughed whilst sitting back down next to me. "You covered up that bruise pretty well." He said.

An overwhelming feeling of sadness hit me as I began to think about how I got it. "Thanks." I said not really wanting to talk about it.

"You know you can talk to me. You only get bruises like that when somebody hits you. You can tell me." He told me. I did want to tell him everything. I wanted to get it all off of my chest but I just couldn't let my mum get into trouble.

"I'm fine and I don't want your help." I said and it sounded really cold even if I didn't mean it like that.

"You may not want it now but I'm here if you need me in the future." He confirmed.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked as I was definitely not used to it.

"I care about you and I'm worried." Mr Haner explained.

"I think you are the first person to ever say they care about me." I told him truthfully. My mum never told me that and she never said she loved me either.

"Really?" He asked. I just simply nodded my head whilst keeping my eyes on my desk. "Well I'm glad I'm the first for something." He smirked.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Thanks for cheering me up again Mr Haner." I said.

"I thought I told you to call me Brian." He shot back.

"We are in school." I reminded him.

"Yes but nobody is here." He said. 

"You are not like any other teacher I have ever met." I said.

He laughed. "Well, with this being my first teaching job, I sometimes have to remind myself that I am supposed to be the teacher and not the student. You never know I may get meaner in the future." He said and I didn't believe that last part. He didn't have it in him to be too mean. He looked like he could be mean but getting to know him more over the past couple of days, I realised he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Only when it comes to protecting people he cares about.

We talked for the rest of the hour and I didn't get any work done which surprisingly didn't bother me. The time flew by and I didn't want our conversation to end. It was years since I had spoken to somebody like that. I didn't have any friends to talk to like that. I used to have one friend and that was Nicole. We used to be inseparable until she hit puberty and didn't want to talk to me anymore. One day she just stopped and called me names. Then, she started hanging around with the popular kids. She killed my confidence and made me so insecure. I hated her for it. Now I don't feel good enough for anything or anybody.

"So are you going see Escape The Fate on Friday?" He asked as one of their songs started playing. I had forgotten that the music was even playing until he mentioned it.

"No, I wish I was. I would love to see them live but I have nobody to go with." I replied. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was no the end of my study period and I had history next. "I better get going to my next class. I don't want to be late."

"OK. See you soon. I have got you after lunch." He stated. When he said the word lunch my stomach automatically rumbled and my mouth watered just thinking about food. I wish I could actually eat it though. I just wished I had a normal mum who could feed me properly. Even though I am 19 and could move out, I can't. Any money that I do try and save, she finds it and then spends it all on alcohol. There was just no way out.

"Bye." I called back and went to my next class.

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