Chapter 12

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I walked down the stairs at my house, clinging on the banister for support. The other hand I used to hold my stomach hoping to release some of the pain that was coursing though my body. It wasn't working. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, I sank to the floor trying relive my body of the pain. That didn't work either.

I lifted my top up to look at my stomach and there laid a massive black bruise. It looked horrible and it was a lovely reminder to me of what my mum was like. I felt a hot tear roll down my face. I just wanted to run away but that was unlikely when all of our money went onto her alcohol.

I took a deep breath in and stood up. The pain shot through me and I winced. I had no idea how I was going to hide this from everybody at school, especially Brian. I had to act as normal as possible around him anyway so this bruise wasn't helping the situation at all.

I quickly grabbed my bag and headed to my car and drove to college. Once I arrived, I quickly got out and did my normal routine of keeping my head down and walking as fast as I can.

I arrived at my locker without any trouble from Nicole. I had English first then directed study and I knew I woe have to try and conceal my pain really well, Brain would easily pick up on it. I walked into English. He was sat on his chair looking at a book. There were a few students in mindlessly chatting away so I quickly and quietly slipped into the room without being detected.

From my fast pace, I ended up sitting down on the chair at an awkward angle and I couldn't help but wince in pain. I grabbed my stomach and that's when he looked up from his book. His brown eyes looked worried and he came rushing over to me, not caring other people were in the room.

He crouched down in front of my knees and asked, "Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied.

"Then why don't I believe you?" He questioned whilst arching one of his eyebrows. This was definitely a good look for him.

"I don't know but I'm fine. Maybe you should get on with teaching." I harshly told him. I didn't like being mean to him but it was the only way he would drop the subject and leave me alone.

He took my advice and got up. He walked to the front of the class and grabbed a box of books from the shelf and started chucking them on to peoples desks. When he reached mine, he didn't even look at me as the book slapped violently against the wooden desk.

Then, Nicole walked in more dressed up than normal. She looked liked she had spent hours perfecting her appearance. Her long blond hair was curled to perfection as it cascaded down her back. Her skirt was shorter than usual and her top was tighter as well. It actually made me the laugh at the length she would go to just so she could impress Brian. Then the though of her face if she ever found out that there was something going on between me and Brian made me chuckle. I had to try my best to conceal it but I would kill to see her face.

His voice ripped me away from my thoughts as be shouted my name, "Sophie! Are you even listening to me?"

I looked up to be met by his questioning eyes and the rest of the classes intense stares. "Yeah." I mumbled back.

"Oh, really?" He questioned. "Well what was I saying?"

Luckily, I did know what he was talking about so I replied with confidence, "You were talking about the powerful nature of love and how it drove them to be so intensely in love that it tragically ended in them commiting suicide."

I heard Nicole scoff as she wasn't impressed with my answer and all Brian did was smile. He returned to teaching the rest of the class. Nicole kept sending me harsh glares but I just shrugged them off. I had bigger problems to worry about.

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