Chapter 6

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There was no way to avoid her as I needed to get into my locker. I took a deep breath in and walked towards her. I got to my locker and tried to ignore her presence. She shot evil glances at me the whole time I was gathering my books. I closed my locker and turned around, trying to get away.

"Not so fast." Nicole said as she gripped my arm firmly. "I want to talk to you."

I turned my head to look at her. She had a sly look plastered over her face. "What do you want from me? What have I ever done wrong to you?" I asked feeling really intimidated by her increasing grip on my arm.

She laughed, "I want you to stay away from Mr Haner. You understand me? I want him and at the moment you stand in my way."

"What are you talking about? There is nothing going on between me and Mr Haner." I told her.

"I may look dumb but I'm actually not. I see the way you look at him. I can read you like an open book. All you have to do is stay away from him and you will come to no harm." She replied.

I gulped hard at her threatening glare. "I won't talk to him again." I quickly replied.

"Good. Now run along to your next class which I know is English. Don't you even look at him." Nicole snarled.

I pulled my arm out of her grip and hurried along to my lesson. By now I was twenty minutes late and it didn't sit well with me. I really hated being late to anything. I opened the door to his classroom and everybody's eyes looked at me as I was disturbing the silence. I quickly walked to my seat, avoiding eye contact with Mr Haner. I knew he would be confused about my absence.

"Well it's nice if you to finally join us Sophie." His voice rung.

I didn't look up and I mumbled, "Sorry."

"Just copy the work on the board." He said.

I got out my book and started to copy out the writing on the board. I scribbled it down and wished the time would go by quick. I looked around the room and Nicole was no where to be found but her little gang was sat across the room staring at me. I knew they would report back to Nicole about my actions. I wanted so bad to look at him but I knew I would be "harmed" if I did.

"Right, end of lesson so get lost." He told the class. I quickly got up and his voice stopped my actions. "Not so fast Sophie. I want a word with you." I sighed heavily and walked towards him. He waited until everyone had left and the classroom door was shut. "Why were you late? You never turn up late." He asked.

"I just slept in late. I didn't hear my alarm go off." I said which was half true.

"Really? It is just a coincidence that Nicole didn't show up for the lesson?" He questioned me.

"I don't know where Nicole is." I said. i couldn't help but look to the floor. I didn't want to look at his face while I lied to him.

"Then why do I feel like she had something to do with you turning up late?" He said. He was good at working things out. Maybe I was just that bad of a liar.

"She wasn't! I don't know where she is. Can I just go now?" I shouted more out of fear than anger.

"Yeah but I know you're lying to me." He told me. I wanted to tell him so much but I was too scared to do that.

I walked out of the room and looked around. Nobody was around. I needed to go home and get ready for the concert tonight and I had all free periods now so it worked out well. I walked out of school and jumped in my car and drove home.

Once I got home, I went to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. I was thankful for Mr Haner buying me the food. Next, I ran up the stairs and got in the shower. Once that was done I dried my hair and straightened it. I put on a pair of shorts and a tank top that was all in the colour of black. I wouldn't normally wear so revealing clothes but at a concert it was a must. I didn't want to overheat. I put some make up, not a lot but more than I wear for college.

By the time all that was done, it was two hours before the doors open. I grabbed my ticket and ran down the stairs and then a knock appeared on the door. I wondered who it could be nobody comes to my house. I went to the front door and opened it. There stood he stood looking perfect. He was wearing a black v-neck top with his leather jacket over. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a pair of boots over the top of them. I couldn't stop looking at him. I was confused to why he was here and I was pretty sure my mouth was hung open the whole time I was looking at him.

He laughed and scratched the back of his neck. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well it didn't sit well with me you going to the concert on your own." He replied.

"I would have been fine Mr Haner. I don't need a babysitter." I told him.

"I though I told you to call me Brian and I know you don't but I'm just concerned about you. I didn't realise it was a crime." He laughed back.

"Well it isn't but this is weird. We can't keep doing this." I said.

"Maybe it is but I don't know I just can't seem to stay away from you no matter what you say." He admitted. I didn't know how to reply to that comment. I was just so shocked. "Anyways, are you ready? We can't just stand here all night." He said.

"Yeah, I am." I said as I grabbed my shoes and keys. I quickly put my shoes on and went outside locking the door behind me.

He had parked his car outside my house. We both got in and I had to admit I felt weird. Being with a teacher like this didn't sit well with me but I guess what he said applied to me as well. I couldn't stay away. He put some music on that filled the silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was comfortable. He pulled up outside the venue and it was already swarming with people. The queue was quite big. We looked at each other and laughed we both knew we would have to push to get anywhere near the front. He took his leather jacket of and tossed it on the backseat.

We both got out of the car once he had found somewhere to park. We joined the back of the queue. We were pretty far from the doors and I was just thankful that most people from college didn't like this type of music.

"Are you ever going to tell me the real reason why you were late this morning?" He asked whilst lighting up a cigarette and take a drag from it.

"I told you earlier." I said.

"No you didn't. You lied to me." He pursued.

"Look, I actually did sleep over my alarm." I told him.

"OK but there is something else as to why you were late. Don't make me tickle it out of you." He laughed.

"Fine! It was Nicole. She stopped me and told me to stay away from you or she will hurt me. She wants you and nobody stands in the way of what she wants." I mumbled.

"Really?" He asked arching his eyebrow. I nodded and then he said, "Well I'm sorry but even if I wasn't her teacher I wouldn't like her. She's nothing but a immature slut."

I laughed at his comment. "Just watch out. She does it to most new teachers and they always give in eventually." I warned him.

"I won't give in. You see there's this girl and I really like her. I wouldn't want to mess things up with her." He told me and my heart sank. I don't know why I felt like this. It's not like I have a chance with him. He is my teacher! It just hurt for some reason.

Just then the line started moving as the the doors opened. I held out my ticket and he did the same for them to be scanned by the man letting everybody through. We went in and joined the people already stood before the stage waiting.

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