Chapter 2

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I quickly turned back around and shot out of the door hoping she wouldn't be quick enough to catch me in her heals. My breathing got heavier as I started to run. I kept looking behind me. I couldn't see her which made my body relax until I banged into something hard. My knees gave way and I fell to the ground with a thud.

"Oh, sorry!" A voice rang. "Here let me help you up." He said and extended his hand. I grabbed hold of it because I definitely needed the support getting up. As soon as our hands touched it sent shivers running up and down my spine. He pulled me up with ease and I looked up to see a man standing there with a cocky grin on his face.

"Thanks." I stuttered out.

"You should watch we're you are going. Anyway why was you running?" He questioned. I looked into his chocolate brown eyes and they were full of concern.

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't tell him about Nicole she would only bully me even more. "I know I am very clumsy." I said avoiding the question that he had asked. I quickly turned around to see if Nicole and her gang were behind watching and they were. Her face was red from anger and her arms were folded up as she stood in a threatening pose. Her friends behind her were copying her stance. Mr Haner looked back to see who I was looking at and I prayed that he would think we are friends. That they don't bully me. I was too scared of the consequences to even tell anybody the truth.

He laughed. "You can say that again. Look is everything alright between you and Nicole because it looks like she wants to rip your head off?" He questioned.

I gulped and replied, "Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" Hoping he wouldn't see through my lies.

"OK. Whatever you say." He said whilst scratching the back of his neck. "I guess I'll see you in class tomorrow."

"Yeah see you tomorrow." I told him and a smile spread across both our lips. I walked away quickly and headed for my car that was at the bottom of the parking lot. I realised Nicole hadn't come after me which I was very thankful for.

I got in my car and drove out of the parking lot. I turned on my iPod that was connected to the speakers on my car. I blasted out Escape The Fate and instantly relaxed. Music always did that to me and I definitely needed it today.

I pulled up into the driveway and got out of my car. I wished that nobody was home as I hated it when my mum was in. All she would do is drink the house dry and shout at me. I hated it. I opened the door and went inside. I scanned the living room and she wasn't there. I went into the kitchen and there she was sat a the dining table with a bottle of vodka in her hand.

"Why are you late?" She growled.

"I was talking to a teacher about my work." I replied. It was half true.

"You know I don't like you being late. Why can you do nothing right?" She spat. I could feel my eyes filling with tears. I tried to hold them back as best as I could.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. I turned round and headed for the stairs. Soon as I was out of the sight of my mum. I let my tears flow freely. Everything for today had just built up and it was a relief to let it all go.

I ran up the stairs and went straight for my bedroom. I laid down on it and I couldn't stop the tears from coming out. I laid there for ages. I didn't once move. I felt numb. I wanted it to all end. I realised I should probably change out of my clothes into something more comfy. I got out of my wardrobe a black tank top and pair of shorts. I wouldn't normally wear something like this but it was hot and I wasn't go out.

"Sophie!" My mum yelled.

"What?" I shouted back.

"Dinner." She simply said. There was no point in me having any dinner. She could cook to save her life and now that she is intoxicated it will be even worse. I got up and went downstairs. She had tried to make us a pasta dish. Well let's just say it didn't look edible. I sat down at the table and inspected it even more.

"Don't be rude. Eat." She said. I picked up my fork and the chicken in it wasn't even cooked properly.

"I can't eat it. It's not even cooked." I told her.

Her face went red with anger. I gulped hard knowing I shouldn't have said that. "You ungrateful cow." She shouted. "I do everything for you. How dare you through it back in my face. You are lucky you are even here." She said with so much venom in her voice. She was so angry. Her fist was clenched an her knuckles were turning white. She raised her hand and smacked me across the face hard. My face stung and I knew that it would be bright red.

I quickly got up and ran out of the house. I needed to get out of there. I ran and I didn't even know where me feet would take me. I found a small park and sat on the bench where the evening sun beamed down on me. I pulled my legs up towards my chest and placed my head down. I felt a presence next to me and I felt the bench move a little bit which told me someone had sat down next to me.

"Sophie?" A voice questioned. I lifted my head up to be met by his captivating eyes. They looked worried and concerned. "Are you OK?" He asked.

I wiped away a tear and said, "Yeah. I'll be fine."

"Then why are you crying and have a bruise on your left cheek?" He questioned.

"I guess I'm not fine then." I replied.

His hand reached up to my face and his thumb gently traced the outline of where my mum had hit me. "Who did this to you?"

"None of your business Mr Haner." I told him even though I didn't mean to be rude. It's just that I don't want my mum getting in trouble even though I really hate her sometimes.

"OK but call me Brian out of school. I hate being addressed as Mr Haner. It makes me feel so old." He said with a smirk on his perfect face. Wait. What am I thinking? He is my teacher.

I laughed, "You are old." I joked with him.

His face looked shocked and hurt but I knew he was only pretending. "I am not old." I said. He lunged forward and grabbed my sides. He tickled me and I couldn't stop laughing. It was starting to hurt.

"Stop it." I shrieked.

"Not until you say I'm not old." He told me back.

I could hardly breathe. "Fine. You are not old. Please just stop." I said between laughing.

He let go of me and said, "Thank you." He took of his leather jacket and handed it to me. I could hardly take my eyes off of his arms. They were big and muscular and covered in swirls of coloured ink just like I suspected. "Here you're freezing." He said. I suddenly felt really self conscious of what I was wearing as it was hardly anything. He placed it around me and it was huge on me.

"Thanks Mr... Oh sorry Brian." I laughed.

"It's OK. We should get you back home otherwise you will freeze to death." He said.

I flinched at those words. I really didn't want to go back but I knew I had to. "OK."

We both got up and he walked me all the way to my front door. We talked about everything and he said that he actually only lived around the corner from me. He had somehow made me cheer up which I didn't think was possible. We reached my front door.

"Thank you for cheering me up and everything else." I said as I took of his jacket and handed it back to him.

"No problem. I couldn't leave you like that. I'm always here to talk if you need someone." He told me.

"Thanks. Bye." I said as I unlocked the door and went inside. It was definitely a good job that I grabbed my keys before I stormed out.

"See you tomorrow." He called back.

I went inside and it was quiet. I sneaked upstairs knowing she would probably be passed out on her bed. I quietly shut my bedroom door. I couldn't help but smile as I lay down on my bed and fall into a dreamless sleep.

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