Chapter 11

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room again but this time I was on my own. I turned over in the bed I was in to find all the sheets creased. That means someone did sleep next to me last night. I slowly began to remember last night and my heart started racing at the thought of it. I couldn't wipe the huge smile off of my face. It was the happiest I felt in a long time.

I got out of the bed, his bed and walked down the stairs trying to find him. He wasn't in the living room so I went into the kitchen to try and find him but he was no where to be found. I then saw a smoke coming from outside through the window. I opened the back door that led to the garden.

There he was stood taking a drag of his cigarette. I found it oddly attractive even though it was probably killing him. "I didn't know you smoked." I stated.

He laughed, "Yeah. Its a bad habit."

I laughed and said, "Thank you for last night for everything. The meal and putting me in bed." I gestured to the clothes I was wearing. I was in one of Brian's t-shirts and a pair of his shorts.

"Well you did fall asleep in me and I thought you would be more comfy in my clothes than the play suit you was in. Even if you looked beautiful in it."

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I hated how he could make me blush so easily. "Thank you and I'm sorry for falling asleep on you."

He took one last drag from his cigarette and chucked it on the floor. He stepped on it and said, "I don't mind. Besides you weight virtually nothing so it wasn't that hard of a job to pick you up and carry you into my bedroom."

We turned and walked back into the kitchen and I sat down on one of the kitchen stools. I needed to talk to him and this was a good opportunity to do it. I needed to know what we were going to do because it would be Monday morning tomorrow were we both would have to face the harsh reality that we couldn't be together.

"We need to talk." I said. It probably wasn't the best choice of words but I didn't know how else to put it.

"I don't like the sound of those four words." He replied.

He took a seat next to me and looked at me with worry and confusion in his eyes. This was going to be harder than I thought. I took a deep breath in trying to calm my growing nerves. "What are we going to do about us?" I asked.

"I don't know what you mean." He said.

"Well, tomorrow is a college day and I can't see it going down well with them that I have spent two nights in your house." I stated.

"They dont have to find out." He said. "I thought we had been through this. I dont care what other people think and if it comes to anything worse, then we will deal with it then. You don't understand how much I am falling for you."

I was totally shocked to the point where I didn't know what to say. He took my hand into his and laced our fingers together. "This just feels right. I don't want to have this conversation again. You know how much I want to be with you and nothing is ever going to change that."

"Promise me something?" I asked.

"Of course." He replied.

"If we do get caught don't take the fall for me. I don't want you to get fired because of me. It would haunt me for the rest of my life and I can't live with something like that on my shoulders." I said.

He nodded and I let out a sigh of relief as I didn't think he would agree to that. I got up from the chair in order to change my clothes but he still had hold of my hand. I walked away letting my grip on his hand fade but then he pulled me back into his warm embrace. With his free hand he cupped the side of my face and he slowly leant in. I could feel his hot breath on my lips which sent shivers of excitement and anticipation running through me. He pressed his thin lips against mine and pulled me closer to his hard chest. My hands automatically went round his neck as he deepened the kiss, setting my whole body on fire. Our tongues met and they battled for dominance. It was the most breath taking kiss I had ever experienced.

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