Chapter 22

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Hey everyone! Here is the last chapter and I hope you all enjoy it. I have had such good fun writing it and the response has been amazing! I never thought in a million years this story would be so successful so thank you for sticking with it! You guys mean everything and without you this wouldn't have been possible.

I just want to reiterate that there will be no sequel but there will be an epilogue.

This chapter is dedicated to every single person that has read this story. Enjoy!


I walked into the room and took the seat next to her. I felt sick and frightened. What had she been saying? It was probably a pack of lies. I took a quick glance at Brian and he looked mad. The anger was radiating off of him. This just confirmed my suspicions.

"We have been receiving allegations about Mr Haner. We've been told that he's been conducting sexual relationships with students against their will," the principle spoke.

"What does this have to do with me?" I questioned smoothly. I knew I had to be convincing. It's a good job only Brian can see through my lying otherwise we would be stuffed.

"Well, Miss Martin has told me that one of his victims was you as well as her. I need you to answer in all honest, we can protect you. Did Mr Haner touch you inappropriately?" he asked.

My jaw fell slack. I couldn't believe he just asked me that. "No of course not. He's my teacher. This is stupid. I don't understand why I'm here. It's her spreading malicious lies!" I told him, hoping he wouldn't see through my words.

"I'm not. He raped me. I know he's been doing the same too you. I want to help you," Nicole cried.

I abruptly stand for my seat, taking everybody by surprise. "You know what I've had enough of you. You've bullied me since I was little and it's disgusting that this is part of your plan. Oh and you get what you want another teacher gone. There is something seriously wrong with you. You're pure evil!" I shouted. I turned to the principal who had a shocked expression on his face. "And you are an even bigger idiot that you look. How many more times does she have to do this before you see it's all a lie?"

"I do not care for your tone, Sophie. You shouldn't be speaking to me nor Nicole like that. I've decided that Brian, you will be suspended pending further investigation. The school will be pressing charges against Mr Haner and I'm sure Nicole will be too." he said and I felt my heart sink. He was going to go to prison and I couldn't do anything.

"You're such a bitch!" I screamed at her. The anger took over me and I lunged for her. I grabbed hold off her and pulled on her hair. She let out a scream and I was quickly dragged away from her. I looked down to see the familiar pair of arms wrapped tightly around my waist. It sent waves of calmness through me. Just being in his arms made my anger disappear and love soar through my heart.

"Sophie, you are suspended as well. You're out of control and quite frankly you're the one who's out of their mind. Nicole is trying to help you." the principle shouted.

"See she's got her claws into you too. Can't you see it's all a lie? What happened to innocent until proved guilty?" I shouted as Brian secretly caressed my hips trying to calm me down.

"Brian, will you take her away please and then both of you need to get off of college property." he said.

"Yeah but I didn't do what she said. Sophie is right!" he said with venom in his voice.

He walked towards the door and opened it. I walked out of the door and turned back around to see Nicole's sly smirk. I felt the anger rush through me but Brian stood in my way and it was a good job he was. He gave me a quick nod, checking I was okay. I took a deep breath in and nodded back. He needed support right now not me getting ready to slap Nicole.

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