chapter 13- End.....

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Final chapter!


Jerome's PoV

We woke up and ate and prepared everything.

"Today's the day." Mitch says

"After chasing the hybrid for so long we'll kill her today." Jason says

We headed out the house and walked through the forest.

"Where do you think she's hiding?" Ty asked

"Probably somewhere high up." Adam says

After walking for two hours we had no luck. But we didn't stop... we need to kill her now before anything bad happens to the people.  We need to protect them from her evil presence. As we went deeper into the forest it was looking deader and deader.

"Man this place looks so creepy." Jason says

"We must be getting closer." Ian says

Ian's PoV

As we walked through the dead part of the forest we had to be very careful of where we were walking.

"How much longer till we find the hybrid!" Ty says

"Sooner or later." I say

We heard the crows cawing which didn;t help with the situation of us being in such a creepy looking place. We saw bones the further we walked which creeped us out even more.

"This must be dead man's path...." Jerome says

"People who make it out alive are always in groups...while people alone will be killed unless they have powers..." Adam says

"Exactly." Mitch says

We walked deeper into the forest and came to the only open area and waited..waited for EnderWolfDiamond.

My PoV

I woke up and just decided to fly to the dead forest. I mean I might as well just be there to hopefully let everything go. I was flying through the sky and after an hour of flying I needed to land.

"It's so hard flying now...stupid torn wings..." I say

I continued my way to the dead part of the forest by foot. I slowly made my way there.

" can do this..." I say

Even if it goes wrong..I would known I have tried. friends would feel awful.  Soon enough I was at the edge of the dead forest.

"Here's..dead man's path..." I say

I slowly walk through and a crow landed on my shoulder. It gave me one last little thing a small charm. Before I could do anything it took off. I put the charm in my pocket and continued walking on through.

Ty's PoV

We all sat down and waited with our weapons in hand. Today... today is the day we defeat EnderWolfDiamond..and save the people from her evil.  As we waited we ate some food to have our energy up and so we can battle her with ease. I stretched and put my sword down.

"Do you think we can do it?" I ask

"We're working together...I know we can." Jason says

"We've been practicing everything from tactics and the best strategies." Adam says

Soon enough it started to rain a little. We ignored it and continued waiting , looking at the sky and the forest itself.

"No sign of her yet." Quentin says

"Be patient..." I say

Jason's PoV

As the rain came down I took a deep breath. We'll finally battle EnderWolfDiamond..and hopefully kill her. Then we can finally start our search for Kimi. I had to motives to fight the hybrid.. saving the people and finding Kimi out there. We were practicing our weapons on the dead trees as we waited for EnderWolfDiamond to come into our vision.

Soon we heard rustling from bushes and as we all turned to face the direction... there stood EnderWolfDiamond giving off a strong powerful aura.

"Attack!" Adam yells

We all went running for her. She was quick to strike back with a magic blast sending us flying backward.

Quentin's PoV

We all stood back up again and Mitch shoot some arrows. We were about to shoot more before she used her magic to make them disappear.

"Jason strike her with your sword!" Ty yells

Jason took off running toward the hybrid with sword in hand and struck her head on. 

My PoV (play music here , same some from earlier chapter)

The powder managed to land on me was right after Jason struck me. I collapsed  to the ground.

"W-w-why...." I say with tears coming from my face

"You were evil! YOU STOLE KIMI'S THINGS!" Jason yells


Was the only thing I could say before I died and the transformation powder completed changing me.

Mitch's PoV

We saw Jason slump to the ground and break out into tears. We rushed over to see EnderwolfDiamond gone...and it was Kimi lying there motionless. We killed our best friend...

All this time..we were after her and didn't know. We took the sword out of chest and carried her dead body back to the village.  We arrived back to the village and buried her in the cemetary.

" If we only was her..." I say

"Those times..when Me and Ty heard her voice..." Jerome says

"We should've went with our gut and knew it was Kimi." Ty says

We placed the necklace , goggles , braclet and her collar on her grave.

Why did it come to this...we were so motivated by the prize money..and when we killed EnderWolfDiamond we were over joyed until Jason broke into those tears. Soon other villagers came and surrounded her grave. Then that woman came up to us.

"I boys are killed your friend...with that thirst for the prize..and what did it cost you...the chance of you seeing her Again...happy and alive." She says before turning into a crow and flying away

She was right...we were so motivated by the sillest of things..... Why didn't we see it in her eyes during the battle that it was Kimi. One by one the villagers left leaving us standing there.

"We had that chance of finally seeing her...but dead..." Jerome says

Jason broke into more tears so we all hugged him.

"At least she's now looking over us." Adam says

"Yeah..." Jason says with tears still in his eyes.

We all looked to the sky and saw an image of her smiling..and happy. she gained her enderdragon wings...but  by us. Why did it have to end this way.




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