Chapter 9- Don't give up

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Adam's PoV

We all woke up and cooked some remaining fish for our breakfast.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Ty asked

"Hunt down EnderWolfDiamond." Jason says

As we were discussing we say that woman from the shop.

"Hello!" We all said

She looked over , shook her head and continued walking.

"We really upset her with the whole hunting EvderWolfDiamond thing." Quentin says

'Well I mean ...we're doing the right thing...right?" Jason asks

"It's for the protection of the people..." Mitch and Jerome says

We packed up and continued walking and had our weapons in hand. 

My PoV

I managed to find a few berrys that were safe to eat so I gathered a bunch and ate them. Then I heard a familiar voice calling something out.

"EnderWolfDiamond!" a lady's voice called out

I flew down and I smiled big. She hugged me tightly.

"I'm glad I found you." she says

" I'm happy to see you." I say

I soon notice a necklace she was holding.

"W-whwere'd you find that..." I say

"You dropped it when you took off two years ago." she says handing it to me

I open the charm and the pictures of the guys and my family was still in them perfectly untouched. I hugged her tightly and she smiled.

"So where do you live now?" she asked

" a cave.. isolating myself away from others..." I say sadly

"Oh my...listen hun take this.:" she says handing me a pouch

"What's it do?" I ask

"Use it when you really need it dear..." She says

"But wait! what's my purpose!" I say

"It's..your choice..." She says before disappearing into thin air

I slump down leaning back against a tree. My purple eyes were focused at the sky.

"Just remember what mother told you....and that's Don't give up , keep your head up and always look forward...." I say

I slowly get up and begin to walk.

Quentin's PoV

We headed north and managed to find a little village. We look at some wanted posters and saw EnderWolfDiamond on there. We went off to fix our weapons when we heard that woman again.

"I found her and gave her what she has been missing..and have you boys thought of who she really might be." she says

"No, why would we ever think that." Jerome says

"You boys really are dumb..." She says before leaving

The woman has been helping us and now is being a complete weirdo by saying all of these things to us. We shrugged it off and got our weapons back and headed to a small food place to buy food and probably  eat something as well.

We  finally bought more food supllies and headed off. We got into a forest and we spotted EnderWolfDiamond but it looked like she was hurt or something which was a great time to strike till we heard her say something so we laid low to hear her.

"You're loosing the love first the friends who you new for a long time , my family and my new friends who died only after a day of becoming friends with them." she says

We all exchanged looks and just continued to listen to her.

"At least the lady found me and gave me my necklace I lost two years ago." she says

We were about to attack when she got up and flew away. 

"What now?" Ian says

"Don't give up and continue hunting that creature down." I said

"Then maybe after we kill EnderWolfDiamond...we can start looking for Kimi." Adam says

"I really want to see her again." Ty says

"We all do." Jason says

The  seven of us continued walking keeping on her trail. We stopped behind a big tree to an open clearing where we saw her sitting down on a rock. I was about to shoot her but stopped when I saw her holding her amulet and saw a few words.

"If only I could see them again." she says

Jason really wanted to run over and try talking to her but we stopped him for he might get hurt.

"But!" Jason says

"You don't know what she might's better staying back." Mitch says holding Jason back

Jerome's PoV

Jason was trying his best to get out of Mitch's grip.

"Jason stop ,  Mitch is right she might attack you." I say

"You don't know that for sure!" Jason snaps back at me

We saw her wings spread out and saw the tear Ty has left a while back.

"How can she still fly?" Quentin asks

"She probably healed herself but that tear stays." Adam says

I nodded and we kept our eyes on her.

"Maybe.. if home and I guess try looking for my friends..i might try showing them it's me.. so I guess don't give up and start looking for them..." she says taking off into the sky.

"Should we go after her?" Mitch asked letting go of Jason

"No ,  not yet we don't know what she might do if we attack now." Adam says

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