chapter 11 - Cold

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Mitch's PoV

It was the next day and we packed everything up and headed onward.

" No sign of her yet." Jason says looking at the sky

"She's probably too afraid to even come out now." Adam says

After walking for a long time we found yet another village and had our lunch there. 

"Maybe we should stay here for the rest of today." Quentin says

"What will that do?" Ian asked

"Probably so we have goon defense. Everyone is hunting EnderwolfDiamond" I say

We were in a little house that we rented out for the rest of the time as we prepare everything to go after EnderWolfDiamond.  We had a great plan to hunt her and even kill her to get the cash which is motivating us and Kimi who's out there and we all want to see her again.

Quentin's PoV

It was late at night and all of us were sitting on the roof of the house looking at the sky. The wind was a cool breeze and it was a beautiful night. The sky was full of stars twinkling like it was doing a dance.

"The night sky reminds me of Kimi...." Jason says

"Because of the beauty?" Adam asked

Jason nodded. We miss her dearly and want her back with us but it's like she doesn't want to be with us anymore from all the notes she left and the things she left as well.

My PoV

It was a beautiful night but I was freezing and I can't even make a fire anymore. I was sitting outside of my cave hugging my knees trying to stay warm. 

"Why bother'll probably freeze to death...then everyone will be happy." I mutter

The cold air hit my wings and I shivered. I stood up and looked at the twinkling stars and my mind made images of everyone. I broke into tears and slumped to my knees. My life is just a bunch of questions now.

"Why was I born this way.."

"Why didn't you save your family two years ago?"

"Why did I run?"


I wiped the tears from my face and sniffled.

"Why am I so weak.." I say

I grip my necklace and breath slowly. I need to stay alive but that means staying in hiding and run away from everyone. But I want them to see me for who I really am not just a  freak , a monster , evil , mean , nothing but a threat to everyone.

"I want people to see me for who I really am..a nice just a hybrid now..." I thought

Jason's PoV

After a while we headed back into the house and ate our dinner. 

"Hey Jason" Ty says

"Yeah?" I ask

"Look at this" He says showing me this object

I examined it carefully and it was a carving of a little dove.

"Only Kimi can have such art skill in making these." I say

"So she was here...then." Ian says

"I found it in a forest.." Ty explains

I hate the dact that when we get one step closer to finding Kimi she's never there. Why is she giving us what seems to be the cold shoulder by running away and everything. I just want her back and to tell her how much I love her. She means everything to me and the guys.. 

Kimi always made our days better. Her voice and her smile and laugh got us to cheer up when we were feeling down. 

Adam's PoV

After dinner instead of going to bed like the others I was walking outside. I turned the corner and saw that hybrid walking. All the villagers were asleep and did not know she was here and good thing I was carrying a bow and a few arrows. I hid and readied my bow aiming straight for her wings.

I was listening closely as well to hear if she's saying anything which she did.

"I'm getting so weak as the days get colder...I just want to find my true purpose...that's all I ask." she says

I lower my bow and continued to listen.

:"I guess..I'll just have to be patient" she says taking off

I ran back to the small house and put the weapons away and went to bed. The next morning all of us were awake and eating our breakfast.

"What are we gonna try to do today?" Mitch and Jerome asked

"Keep hunting EnderWolfDiamond" Ian says

I took a bite out of a bread and drank some water. After eating we  left the village to hunt the hybrid and hopefully run into Kimi somewhere.

Jerome's PoV

We were walking through the forest and brought a bunch of tools and weapons with us if needed.

"Man it's getting so cold." Jason says rubbing his arms trying to keep warm

I exhaled and a puff  of white came from my mouth.  We deciced to pull our coats from our bags and continued walking after putting them on.

"Do you think we'll get her this time?" Adam asked

"Maybe..." Ian and I say

After an hour or two of walking and having no luck what so ever we sat down and ate some food the villagers made for us. 

"Will we even ever find Kimi?" I say

"I hope we do." Mitch says

We soon heard a rustling in the trees so we all went quiet.

"Why do I bother..." the voice said

We whispered to each other when the voice spoke again.

"You're a freak... people are trying to kill you.I' m trying to show I'm nice..but..people only think I'm evil." the voiced said again

"It's EnderWolfDiamond!" Jason quietly says

I nodded and shot an arrow up*

"ARGH!" EnderWolfDiamond screamed

We were about to shoot again but she flew off. 

"Dang it! She was right above us!" Adam says

"Adam we'll have another chance." Ty says

"Ty's right. It may not be now but sometime later." I say

Adam nodded and took a bite of his apple. After eating the food we continued our hunt for the hybrid.

We're one step closer but we're also one step back. Closer to killing EnderWolfDiamond..father away from finding our best friend Kimi.

Ian's PoV

As we walked we were trying to find any clues to finding EnderWolfDiamond or even Kimi.  I was looking at the sky to see if I could spot that horrible hybrid. Those things she keeps saying are probably all fake and mean nothing and trying to trick people.  All of us are all just so fed up with hearing those things coming from her.

Soon enough we came to another clearing and waited for EnderWolfDiamond might fly by. We heard wings and we shoot. As soon as we did the figure crash landed a few feet away from the clearing. We hit EnderWolfDiamond's wings. 

Now's the chance to run over and kill that evil thing.


a/n: It may seem I'm ending it so early but i'm not! I swear!

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