Chapter 1

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3rd Person's POV

   All the demigods, from CHB, CJ, Hunters of Artemis, and Amazons, are currently on Olympus cause they were summoned by the Olympians.

   Everybody was talking until Zeus thundered, "QUIET!!". Lightning flashed from the sky.

  "Drama Queen" Percy muttered. The gods that heard him fell laughing.

  "Poseidon, Apollo, Artemis, and Ares. . . Why in the name of Hades are you laughing at?" Zeus questioned.

  Hades looked at Zeus with a serious face and growled, "Don't you dare use my name for a curse word. FOR POSEIDON'S SAKE, IS IT THAT HARD!!"

"Yes it is, and don't use my name for a curse either! ZEUS' UNDERPANTS, it ain't that hard!" Poseidon yelled, obviously mad.

  "Shut it Poseidon! Zeus yelled, again.

   "Well make me!" Poseidon yelled back.

  "Shut it both of you!" Hades, then, yelled back.

  "Make us!" Poseidon and Zeus yelled back at the same time.

  "Oh, I will." Hades calmly said.

  A few seconds later, the BIG THREE started fighting, completely forgetting about their kids in front of them (who were staring at them with eyes wide, and mouths wide open) until Percy butted in, "Uncles and dad. . ." he began ". . . Your kids are in here, too, you know."

  "Ummmmm, yes of course we knew" Zeus began turning red, obviously embarrassed "We were just ,ummm, foo-"

  "Just start the meeting already!" Percy interrupted.

  Everybody, except, Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico, who had smirks on their faces, were staring at Percy with fear in their eyes, scared of what will happen to their hero/leader. "Okay" Zeus grumbled "We have took down the mist and are going to make a few of you guys go to highschool."

  "Whether you like it or. . ." Poseidon started.

  "Not" Hades finished for Poseidon.

  "WHAT!!" Every half - blood yelled. Can you blame them?

  "Whose going to school?" A random kid asked.

  "Well. . . " Apollo said ". . . I have no idea."

  "Well, they weren't asking you, SUNNY BOY!" Artemis yelled.

  "You don't have to be so mean." Apollo utters.

  "The people that are going to school are. . ." Hades staftes

  "The seven, Thalia, Nico, Chris, Clarrisse. . ." Zeus continued.

  "Katie, Travis and Conner Stoll, Will, and Pollux!" Poseidon then ended.

  "WHY US!!!!" The little big three (Thalia, Nico, and Percy) yelled, mad, staring at their fathers, making their dad's scared out of their wits. Again, can you blame them. . .?

  "Because the, ummmmm, fates told us so. Yeah, the fates, let's go with that" Poseidon sputtered out.

  The three fates suddenly appeared looking scared at the glares the little big three are giving them, "Don't blame us!!" They wailed. "We had no part in this". They quickly flashed out.

  "This. . ." Thalia said in a cold voice.

  "Is. . ."  Nico continued with a scary voice.

  "Not. . ." Percy continued, also, in a creepy voice.

  "Over." They finished, growling, and soon leaving the throne room. Leaving the Olympians (Hades and Hestia are part of the council) scared.

  "Well. . . we're dead. . . aren't we?"

"You got that right!!" Leo yelled.

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