Chapter 4

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  (Julie's POV)

  Hi there, losers. I just found out that Greek/Roman gods are real. I pretend to be a daughter of Aphrodite, cause I mean look at me. I am the prettiest girl at my school. I have blonde hair, that is totally real, a real tan that wasn't a spray tan, where did your get that idea, and blue eyes, that are totally not contacts.

  Everybody at my school worships me, cause they think I'm a daughter of Aphrodite. I hate this girl named Katie, she arrived here 3 months ago, and she seems to see through my lie. But. . . nobody believes her cause, I am totally better than her.

  I am currently at Greek, we were forced to, cause we didn't wanna disrespect the gods, cause, if you disrespect them, they'll blast you into bits. Suddenly, a phone rang. We have this rule that we answer our phones and put it on speaker. I looked to see who it was, and found out it was Katie. Ha! Hopes she gets embarrassed.

  T: Travis K: Katie

K: Hey Travis, why are you calling me? I'm at class.

Who is this guy? Probably her dad. . .

T: Hey Katie, just telling you that, I'm being chased by a hellhound and I am going to burst into your window. . . right about. . .NOW!!!

  A guy just burst into our window and let me tell you. . . HE IS HOT

"Travis, What the Hades!!" Katie yelled at the guy who I think is Travis. Travis just killed the hellhound and kissed her on the lips. He should be mine!! I mean I was looking for a new boyfriend. He can be boyfriend #25. I mean, it is an honor.

  "Babe" I said seductively. "What are you doing with her? I look way better."

  He look at me like I came out from the dump. "No! My girlfriend is Katie and I am here to bring her to Olympus, cause the gods and goddesses called for us!"

  Why would they want Katie? I mean she is disgusting and ugly.

  "They want her cause she helped saved Olympus twice, YOU SLUT. And she looks way better than you!!"

  "Hehe" I started "Did I say that out loud? And can I mention that I Aphrodite's favorite daughter?"

  "Yes, you are going to be a demigod and you will be Aphrodite's favorite daughter when Percy cheats on Annabeth or when Nico cheats on Will." She screams at me. "Let me reintroduce myself. my name is Katie Gardner. . " She starts to lists all of her titles and I am scared. "And BYE!" She disappeared in green dust."

After that, I became a loser cause Aphrodite took away all my makeup and made me look ugly. She also wrote a note.

  Hey honey, I took away all your makeup and designer clothes. Cause, if you mess with one of my ships. You mess with me!!

                                                                                                                                       With lots of ❤️ Aphrodite

Let's just say that I never want to bully anyone ever again.

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