Chapter 15

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  After everyone said there names and a few of their titles, the mortals were at awe. Silence. Just Silence. That is until one broke up. "Wait!" the school slut Clyla said. "You guys just changed your names?"

The demigods rolled their eyes and Annabeth said, "Yes, Clyla, Yes. Just in case you didn't hear the last billion times we said it. "

She flushed red and muttered, " I get it now."

Percy chuckled while saying, "Good to know."

Everyone laughed. Piper turned to the gods. "So, What are you guys doing here?"

Aphrodite laughed. "Piper sweetheart, isn't it obvious. We're making you guys into gods. Our heirs to be precise."

Percy Jackson: Demigods RevealedWhere stories live. Discover now