Chapter 18

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  Annabeth's POV

"Look at what you guys did!" I shouted to the gods.  The mortals stared at me wise eyed, mouths open. I pointed to them, "You should flash them home now. And make yourself useful for ones." I muttered the last part quietly.

  "Oh yeah. I totally forgot about them." Aphrodite said. I rolled my eyes, of course she did. The gods then flashed the mortals out, and back their homes, hopefully.

  "Now, that they're out of the picture," I said, my anger growing as my voice gets louder. "WHAT THE HADES WERE YOU THINKING MAKING US YOUR HEIRS."

  "Don't use my name as a curse word."

  "Annabeth." My mom said ignoring Hades.


  "Annabeth calm down." Piper said using her charm speak. "I'm alright with being their heirs." She said softly. "And I think everyone else is too." The remaining demigods nodded.
"It's just Percy, Thalia, and Nico that aren't agreeing with it." She's right.

  "Wow!" My mom looked shocked. "Are you sure you're Aphrodite's daughter."

  "Sadly, yes." Piper nodded.

  "Hey! What's that supposed to mean." Aphrodite shouted.

  "Now, about you two, dimwits." I turned to Travis and Conner. "How that Had-" Hades coughed. "Heck." I corrected. "Did you know about their plan."

  "It's a funny story." Travis replied, shrinking cause of my glare.

  "We've had a long day" I retorted.

  "Well, it all started after we left on the day, Percy, Thalia, and Nico brayed up their dads." The big three had a pained expression on their faces, as if remembering that day.

  "That hurt a lot." Poseidon said. 

  "Yep." Zeus agreed. "My beautiful and handsome face was ruined."

  "As if you had one." A voice said, standing right at the door.

Huh? Wonder that is.

Percy Jackson: Demigods RevealedWhere stories live. Discover now