Chapter 5

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  (Matt Sloan's POV)

  Losers! I don't even know why you're reading this. Anyways, the Greek/Roman gods/goddesses revealed themselves and I found out that I am a son of Apollo. I love this camp. New girls to have fun with.

  Yeah, all that good stuff.

   I just got at camp and saw that kid that I used to bully. What's his name? Oh! Perseus Jackson, but he likes to be called Percy. I see a hot blonde sitting next to him. Hades!! He doesn't even deserve her. Like, what did he do. It's not like he saved Olympus, or fell into Tartarus willingly,or something. I walked towards the girl, "Hey girl, why don't you ditch this loser over here and have some fun with me." The entire camp was surrounding us. Good. Now, she couldn't say no unless she wants to be embarrassed.

  "HADES, NO!!!!" She yelled at me. "I have a loving boyfriend right here." She pointed at Percy.

  "But, I am way better than him. Why don't you dump him and go out with me instead."

  "He has a death wish" .

  "Piper is gonna be so mad when she hears about this."

   "Sparky, forget Piper for now, Aphrodite is gonna have a fit when she hears about this. She's gonna curse him or something for ruining her OTP."

  "Who cares about both of them right now, look at Prissy." They look at Percy who was clenching his fist glaring daggers at me. I flinched. "The new kids gonna get it"

  "Fine, I'll go out with you." I smirk as gasps were heard over the crowd. "When you save Olympus, decline immortality for me and jump into Tartarus willingly for me."

  Everybody laughs. I look at Percy and said, "You, me, duel, right now."

  "Yep, I agree with Nico, he has a death wish."

  "Fine, Matt".

  When we got to the arena and I put my armor on, when I got out, Percy doesn't even have his on yet. "Ready to get humiliated"

  "Nope, but I hope you are."

  "That wouldn't happen".

  The referee said the rules and we got started.

  Percy took out a pen and I laughed, "What are you going to do with that, write on me?"

  Everybody at the crowd laughs and he uncaps his pen and in it's place was a sword. I charged at him, But few seconds later he disarmed me. "No fair." I whined. "He cheated."

  "Where's the proof?" Percy asked innocently.

  "Uhh-ummm-ehhh" I stammer.

  "That's what I thought"

  He left and I was there all alone.

Or so I thought, there was a girl with choppy brown hair and kaidelescope eyes. Beside her, is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. They walked towards me and said something about giving me the "PERCABETH talk".

Percy Jackson: Demigods RevealedWhere stories live. Discover now