Chapter 17

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"W-woah!" Leo shouted. "You want to make us your heirs too"

  "Yep." Travis and Conner said.

  Annabeth glared at them, "You guys knew about this didn't you."

  Travis nodded. Thalia faced the gods, "Oh, you tell them, but no me." Thalia looked at Zeus, "And I thought you actually liked me."

  Percy then looked at Poseidon, with his baby seal eyes on his face. "Yeah dad, I thought we weren't keeping secrets from each other anymore." Tears began to fall in his face, as he ran away.

  "Wimp, he is a wimp." A mortal shouted.

  "Oh really?" Annabeth asked.

  The mortal looked scared cause of the glare she's giving her. "I mean yeah, look at him, he was about to start crying and the- OWWWWW! What the hell was that for."

  "For insulting my cousin." Nico said darkly as, he too walked out of the room. Stares following him as he goes.

  (Nico's POV)

  Where are they? They should be around here somewhere.

  "Pssst" a voice whispered. "Neeks, over here."

  "Where are you guys?"

   "Over here!"

   "Where is here!"

   "In here!"

  "Oh gods"

  A hand grabbed him and pulled him into a classroom. "This is where here is."

  "How was I supposed to know that." I questioned, annoyed.

  "Well, if you actually pay-" Thalia was cut off.

  "Thalia, Nico" Percy said, he was grinning. "Think we fooled them?"

  "Yep." I nodded.

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