Chapter 2

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(Thalia's POV)

"I can't believe this!!" Nico yelled as we step out of Olympus. "We just won the stinking war and now we have to go to school!!"

Percy kicked a rock and yelled in frustration then said in a steely calm voice, "We have to go to school, but let's have a little fun with our parents first, shall we?"

I grinned, "Why yes. . . " I started ". . . A little fun won't hurt."

"For us anyway. . ." Nico stated.

"True. . ."

Now let's go back up there and show our parents who's boss!!!" Nico yelled

We walked to the elevator and braced ourselves for a long ride with terrible music.

15 minutes later

We were finally out!! "Finally!!" I yelled.

"Yasssssssssss!!!!!!" Kelp head screamed in agreement.

Nico nodded in agreement cause he was way to busy dancing around, happy to be free. Not that I disagree with him, but does he seriously need to kiss the ground?

"Ready to show our dads who's boss?" Percy asked us already knowing the answer.

"Ready than ever, Kelp Head!"

"Shut it, Pinecone Face"

"Both of you. . . SHUT MY FATHERS NAME UP!!!"

"Fine. . . Death Breath" we said in sync.

  "WOW!! That's creepy"


  "NO!! You Stop!!

  "Both of you, SHUT UP!!!" Nico yelled, we both stopped arguing. "Thank you."

   "Let's go then." Percy said.

   Together, we walked in the throne room, making everybody jump.

I wanted to end it, but no, just no

(3rd Person's POV)

Wow, must I just say that I feel bad for the gods right now. Thalia is beating Zeus up with her bow and arrows, which made Artemis proud cause she didn't miss a single shot. Percy is slashing Poseidon with his sword, same with Nico, which made Chiron proud at both. Wait. . . Hahahhahahhaa. . . sorry. . . The big 3 just tried to dodge their sons/daughter,  but that clearly didn't work.

The demigods that are watching, let's just say, that they made a reminder to not get these cousins angry.

Wait . . . now that I mention it, I need to make the same reminder. OH! And so do you, if you want to stay alive.

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