Chapter 19

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Hazel's POV

It's Saturday and I have been up sense 3:00 am. Andy came into check on me at 6:00 and I was already awake. I looked at the time again and seen it was 9:38 am.

I got up and walked to the kitchen.
"want something to eat." Andy said.
"Yeah." I said.
He made me some eggs and and got me a cup of coffee. He set my food down and sat next to me.
"Is everything alright?" He asked. "You were up when I checked on you but didn't come out till now."
"I woke up at 3:00 this morning. And where's Daredevil?"
"Juliet just left five minutes ago to take him on a walk. Do you feel okay."
"Sorta, I am not my total self." I said.
"Just eat and try to take a nap." He said.
"Okay." I said. "And if I feel better later can I borrow Juliet's acoustic guitar."
"Yes." Andy said.

I finished my breakfast and started to walk to my room but rethought something. I walked over to Andy in his room.
"Can I take a nap next to you." I asked.
"Yeah." He said.

I laid next to him and he put his arm around me. It made things feel a lot better laying next to him.

"Are you doing anything tomorrow." He asked.
"No, why?"
"Just wondering."
I nodded and fell asleep.

1 hour later

I woke up and felt a lot better. Andy was asleep next to me. I called his name a few times until he woke up.
"Andy." I said.
"What." He said.
"Want to get up." I asked.

He walked to the living room and I walked to my room to get my notebook and a pencil. I walked to the room with Juliet's guitar. I opened that case and sat down and started to create guitar to my song.

2 hours later

I seen the door open and Daredevil and Juliet walked in.

"Hey." I said.
"Are you here to write a song." I asked.
"I was thinking about it but I decided I would check on you."
"What changed you mind." I asked.
"Andy said you were playing my guitar and I was wondering where you were. I just want to know what you were up to."
"Okay, do you want to help with the guitar." I asked.

I showed her what I started and we went off of it from there. After we finished the guitar we went out of the room and we were going to go out to eat.

I did my make up all black. I don't normally wear make up but only when I feel like it. Today has been good but I am just now starting to feel bad again. I am probably just hungry.

'Is this all I need.' I said to my self.
'I don't know, I am just not ready to do this again'

I stopped thinking when Andy opened the door.
"Are you okay." He said slowly.
"Yeah why." I said not really paying attention to what I was doing because of the way Andy said concerned.
"Don't move and don't pay attention to what I'm doing." He said walking closer.

(Trigger warning)

I moved my arms confused and felt something slide across my arm.
"Shit." I said.
I set it next to me and Andy got a wet and dry towel.

"How did this happen? I shouldn't have moved. And if I seen myself I would have probably freak out seeing what I was doing. I'm so dumb. Why?" I said.
"Your okay, I'm just confused on how this happened."
"I was thinking about a few things and I thought I wasn't ready for this again."
"You'll do fine . You will just need to order food. Are you feeling alright. This morning you had a weird problem."
"I'm okay." I said.

I got up and put my coat on and walked to the car. Andy got in and then we were waiting for Juliet.
"She should be out in a minute." Andy said. "You have time to tell me what's going on."
"What happened with the cut I can't explain. And I am feeling a little weird but I think I just need food. I haven't eaten sense breakfast. That's probably why." I said.
"Just tell me if you are feeling worse or something."
"Got it." I said.

Juliet got in the car and was silent at first. But after a few minutes she talked.

"I'm not trying to get anything specific with this but why was this on your bed." Juliet said holding blade.
"I forgot to throw it away." I said.
I took my coat off and showed my arms.

"The newer one it the one that she can't explain she didn't realize it happened. She was confused." Andy said.
"It's true." I said.
"You talked to her without arguing, I am happy. Now just don't screw this up." She said.
"Got it." Andy said.
"I'm sorry it happened." I said.
"It was an accident that's okay."
"Okay." I said.

I was quiet for the last five minutes. And I was not sure if Andy or Juliet were talking to me at all, I was starting to get really tired.

When we got the the place Juliet tapped my shoulder.
"What?" I asked.
"We're here. You okay."
"Yeah, I'm tired." I said.

We walked into the building and got sat down. They took our order for drinks and we all got water.

After eating

On the way home I fell asleep again. When we got to our house Andy carried me inside and put me in my bed. I didn't want him to leave quite yet. "Andy." I said.
"Can you lay with me for a little bit."
"Yeah." He said.
He laid down and put his arm around me.
"Your warm." I said. "Can you please stay till I fall asleep."
"I don't know." He said.
"Fine." He said.

I was freezing cold and he could tell, that's why I wanted him to stay.

As soon as I fell asleep Andy left and went to his own bed.

Next day
Andy's POV

It's 10:00 am I am hoping that Hazel feels better today. She seemed a little down yesterday. I walked to her room and seen her with her note book and a pencil.
"Hey." I said.
"Hi." She said.
"Are you feeling better today."
"Yeah, just thinking of what to write. I only have the title." She said.
She showed me the notebook and it said 'The Lost and Broken'
"I like to title, what does it mean." I asked.
"I was thinking it would be the name of the album and the song, if I could record it. The album would be a white angel wing and a black angel wing, the white wing would be a little covered my dark clouds and the black wing is broken."
"You have a lot planned out."
"Yeah, the white wing that would be covered is lost, like I can be happy and lost at the same time. That isn't good and you have seen me like that. And the black wing is broken and it can't fly back out and be happy. So it's lost and broken, white is good side and black is the the bad side."
"Okay." I said.
"It's probably not the best explaining. I can't explain well."
"You did good."
"Thanks." She said a little shyly.

"Do you want to go hangout now or later." I asked.
"Now." She said.

She got ready and I waited my the door for her.

"Andy, I'm ready to go." She said waking to me.
"Okay." I said.

We got in the car and I drove to Starbucks first. She was really excited.

Hazel's POV
2 hours later

We just arrived back at home. I haven't really thought about what I could write.

I started to head to my room but I went to Andy first.
"Thanks for hanging out with me today." I said.
"No problem." He said.
I smiled and went to my room.

Adopted by Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now