Chapter 31

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Andy's POV
Next day

I got up and started to watch TV for a bit. I am sill wondering what to do about yesterday.

When Juliet woke up she came and sat next to me.
"How's you arm." I asked.
"It's good." She said and showed me.
"This is my fault for taking her to that school. If I didn't it wouldn't have happened."
"It's okay." She said. "None of us knew this was going to happen. And when she first went she didn't want to leave."
"What do we do about this. We need her to stop."I said.
"Let's go to the school and tell them." She said.
I nodded.

Hazel came out of her room.

"What are we doing today." She asked.
"I forgot we were going to go shopping and we were thinking that we need to talk to the school about Kate."
"Okay." She said.
"We still are going shopping." I said.

She nodded and got her shoes on.

We headed to the car and to the school.

When we got in the building they greeted us.

"Hello." They said.
"Hey." I answered. "Could we talk to you about something."

They nodded.

"Well yesterday a girl Hazel's age came to our house and she was quite rude she said she was Kate."
"We know who she is."
"Okay. Could you call her down here."  I asked.
"Yes." They said.

When she got down to the office she came in and had a horrible and disgusted look on her face. I gave her a disgusted look then did my smirk and looked away.

"You had to he me called down here, I thought we were friends." She said.
"Neve were, never will."  I said.

She took the blade out and showed me.
"Better not say another word."
"Give it to me." The principle said.
She refused and turned towards us and almost cut Hazel. "Don't do it." Juliet said.
Kate looked at her and the principle tried to get her away but couldn't because she bit him. And then she got Juliet's arm again and a little of mine.

Kate gave me a glare and started to walk out and got in the hall and I went after her. I could tell Hazel was watching through the window and seen her cut me once again. And she ran out and ran to the bathroom. I got Kate and put her in the office and had them get police to come. And when I came back in Juliet went to get Hazel.

Juliet's POV

I went to get Hazel out of the bathroom. She seemed a little sad about what just happened. I walked in and she was sitting against the wall crying.

"Hazel." I said.
She didn't look up.
"Please look at me." I said.
She still didn't look.
"I get that was hard to see, and she is super rude." I said. "I can tell she is doing this to us to get back at you. Don't blame yourself on anything just lets go."
She got up but still looking down.
We walked back to the office and seen police.
They took the blade and anything bad from Kate and put her on house arrest for at least a month.

"I'm sorry about taking your time with this stupid thing but  thanks for getting her to at least stay away for now." Andy said.
"No problem. Sorry she has been bothering you. And sorry about what happened to you guys." The principle said.
"It's alright." I said.
We said bye and left.

When we got to the car Hazel was really quiet.
"Do you still want to go shopping or do you want to do it tomorrow?" I asked.
"Tomorrow." She said.
"Okay." I said.

When we got home she let the dog out to go to the bathroom.
But when she came back in she didn't talk to either of us.

"Hazel are you okay." I asked.
She nodded.
"If you were you would be answering us."
"I'm okay." She said.
"We didn't mean for that to happen. And for either you getting hurt or us, we would rather be the ones. You don't like seeing what happened but it is something that happened and you have had to deal with many things you should not need to deal with again."
"I know, but I don't want to think of anything that happened." She said and went to her room.

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