Chapter 22

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Andy's POV

Hazel has been out of school for a few days now, but won't be going back for a few more days.

"Andy." She said walking to me.
"What?" I asked.
"I know I should have said this before a few days ago but I'm sorry about the way I was treating you, I wasn't being very nice. I love you, I really do. But I am really sorry. And another thing with school is I want to be there without people making me feel bad about everything, is there anything we can do?" I asked.
"I don't know." He said. "But thanks for apologizing, I appreciate it. I don't want this to be the thing but, I wish we didn't have to leave for a week in a few days. I don't want you to have your phone when we are at my parents for the week."
"Alright....." She said.

She got up and walked to Juliet in the kitchen and she said sorry to her to.

Hazel has seemed a little sad about a few things but something has mad her really upset.

When she finished saying sorry she came back and sat my me.

"You alright." I asked.
"No." She said.
"What is it."
"I want Jake back." She said. She seemed like she wanted to cry but didn't.
"I thought you were dating." I said.
"We were, then I fucked up." She said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"We were talking at his house when he picked me up after detention. And I got mad at what he was saying he said I wasn't the Hazel he liked and I said everything's over even us. I talked to him when he came back from somewhere. And he told me I need to be the Hazel he first met, and he said I changed and I have been really mean lately."
"You have been mean lately, you have changed." I said.
"Are you telling me I need to change." She asked.
"Be nicer don't actually change."
"I can try." She said. And she sat closer to me and put her head on my shoulder and fell asleep.

3 days later

We have just arrived at my parents house. I have missed them. We haven't talked lately  sense I have been dealing with Hazel.

We got out of the car and walked to the house and knocked.

"Hey." My parents said.
"Hey." I told them.
"You can come in and sit in the living room." My mom said.

We sat down and talked about some things. I could tell Hazel seemed a little shy about this and was going to know she was going to need to talk.

"This your daughter." My dad asked.
"Yes." She said kinda shyly.
"Her names Hazel. She's kinda shy sometimes, and more lately." Juliet said.
"Nice to meet you." They said.
She smiled.
"Anything interesting happen lately." She asked.
"No, not really. Just getting the house ready for you guys. What about you."
"Nothing really being tired. And staying home from school."
"How come."
"I don't know how to punish her." I said.
"Why would she need to get punished." My mom asked me.
"Many detentions." I hear Hazel whisper.
"Oh." I heard her say.
"I'm trying to stop that. It's my fault not his, no ones but mine."
They nodded and let us do what ever we really wanted.

We went to our rooms and then came back to each other to have something to eat.

Juliet and I got the guest room, and Hazel has my old room.

Hazel's POV

When Andy showed me his room I was going to stay in I looked around.
"Before you leave." I asked. "Can you please tell me when I can have my phone back. But mainly my book."
"When we get home, but maybe if your good I'll give it to you, halfway through the week."
"Okay." I said.
"It just depends how I think you are. You've been pretty good lately. But I just want to ask one thing. Can I please have a hug." He asked.
"Yes." I said and hugged him.

He walked down stairs and I followed after five minutes of looking around his room.

I went and got something to eat and the sat next to Juliet.

"How have you been so far." She asked.
"I think I've been good." I said.
"Hey, and don't forget if you are hungry and want something like a sandwich or whatever, you can do that. If you need help just ask. I don't need you looking lost." Andy said.
"Like I did when I first tried that and took a half hour."
"Exactly." He said.

I ate what I had and then went to the living room on the couch next to Andy.
"You tired." He asked.
"Yeah." I said.

I laid on the couch than slept for at least and hour.
When I woke up everyone was in the living room watching TV.
When I moved they turned and looked at me.

"Your up." Andy said.
"Yeah, how long have I slept."
"A hour."
"Ok." I said.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I am still very tired and kind of stared at the wall for a while. When I was done I walked back out.
"What took a while." Andy said.
"I just got up, so I kind of just stared at the wall a little bit."
"I understand, I have done that to."
It went silent for a moment .

"Just to know more about you. What are you interested in." Andy's mom asked.
"Music, drawing, reading, sleeping, and writing." I said.
"And sometimes talking." Andy added.
"Okay." She said.

When it started to get later into the day, we went out to eat. I enjoy hanging out with his parents they are very nice.

When we got home I decided to take a shower and get ready for bed. I finished getting ready then went down to talk with them for a bit.

"Hey." Juliet said.
"Hey." I told her.

I sat next to her and after a half hour I said I wanted to sleep. Andy took me up stairs and put me to bed. Which isn't his normal thing.
"Is it okay if I talk to you." He asked.
"It's fine I guess."
"Is everything going okay for you."
"Yeah, I like it here."
"You seem worried about something." He asked laying next to me.
"You won't tell about all the other things I have done."
"No, only with your permission. Most of the times."
"Ok." I said to him. "The only reason I have been really mean is because of the kids being mean to me makes me mad."
"I understand. I have had that happen. Are you good then."
"Yeah." I said.

He got up and walked back down to everyone. And I went to sleep.

1:47 am

I woke up and looked around the room.  I didn't know exactly what to do sense I didn't have my phone. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. When I got back Andy was sitting on the bed.

"What are you doing in here." I whispered.
"Wanted to know what you were doing."
"Tell me, I wasn't that loud I was quiet."
"I woke up also. And I wanted to check on you."
"Ok." I whispered back. "I'm fine though."
"I want to talk about one thing." He said.
"Why did you have blades in your phone case." He asked while holding them up.

I walked out of the room and sat against the wall. I had a few tears but I stopped them when he came out by me.

"Why?" He asked sadly.
"I don't really know."
"Please get rid of them all."
"How did you get the idea to look there." I said standing up.
"I saw some people saying mean things and I had the idea to look there because what if you see a text and it was mean you have your phone with the blades."
"I'm sorry Andy." I said and walked back into the room and shut the door.
He seemed to have wanted to knock but stopped.

I grabbed them from the bed and put them in a box and hid them from him and let him in.

"What did you do." He asked.
"Nothing." I said showing my arms.
"I don't see them. They were on the bed."
"Just go to bed, we'll talk in the morning."
"Do you want your phone back." He said.
"Yes, but please I'm tired now."
"Fine." He said and made me go to sleep.

Andy's POV

She has been getting better but still needs to stop trying to get out of conversations. She is not getting out of the conversation, and I'm making her give me the blade in the morning.

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