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3 Years Later

Alex sat in Rousseau's reading one of her books while sipping on some coffee when she heard the door open, she glances up seeing a familiar blonde-haired woman walking past her table with two little girls by her side, Tara, the waitress, wake out from the kitchen to dismiss the person.

"Sorry, we're closed an-" Tara stops when she spots the two little girls. "Oh, no, I don't think so."

"Oh, no," Caroline says quickly. "We're not staying, we just got here and then I realized." Carlisle takes in a deep breath. "I didn't actually know where the person I'm looking for lives." Tara nods her head waiting for Caroline to continue. "Um, Klaus Mikaelson."

"Honey, I hate to say this but you've wasted a trip," Tara says.

"Look, I know that he comes here, okay?" Caroline says as she becomes impatient. "My name is Caroline Forbes, he'll know me."

"I don't care who you are, Klaus Mikaelson is gone." Tara states.

"Gone? Gone where?" Caroline asks taken back.

"I mean no one has seen or heard from that man in..." Tara trails off as she thinks for a moment. "Three years." Caroline nods her head, her spirit obviously broken. "But there is one person that might know where he is..." Alex tilts her head as she glared at Tara.

"Where can I find this person?" Caroline asks, hope evident in her voice, Tara nods her head towards Alex sitting at the table, Caroline turns around to look at Alex, not recognizing her.

"You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you, Tara?" Alex sighs, Tara looks at Alex apologetic. "Whatever." Alex waves her hand waving the waitress off, she closes the book in her hands.

"I uh thought you said the place was closed?" Caroline asks as she glances at Tara, Alex loudly drops her book down onto the table, almost spilling her cup of coffee.

"Oh, it is," Alex says. "But, I, of course, am a very special guest." Alex picks up the cup of coffee. "Isn't that right, Tara?" A devilish smirk crossed Alex's lips, Tara was well aware of Alex's abilities.

"That's right," Tara says, Caroline takes cautious steps towards Alex's table.

"So you say that you're here to see Klaus Mikaelson?" Alex asks with amusement laced in her tone. "The Klaus Mikaelson." Alex takes a sip from the coffee and leans forward. "Why on earth would Caroline Forbes be looking for the very man she despises the most?" Alex placed the cup on the table. "The hybrid that almost succeeded killing Elena Gilbert?"

"How do you know that?" Caroline says, her voice sounding small, Alex chuckles and leans back against the chair and placed her feet onto the table next to the coffee cup.

"I am stunned," Alex says. "It's only been six long years since we last saw each other, I mean, I know you hate Klaus, but I was always first, Klaus Mikaelson couldn't even get the amount of hate that you and your friends had towards me." Caroline stares at Alex in confusion before her eyes widen in shock. "How's my order coming along, Tara?" Alex drops her feet to the floor. "I've got a king to go piss off." Alex stood from the chair.

"I'll go check," Tara says, she enters the kitchen leaving Caroline, the twins and Alex alone.

"Alex Zastrod?" Caroline asks.

"In flesh and blood," Alex says. "You look fantastic, I mean wow, you haven't aged a day!" Sarcasm was laced in Alex's voice. "I wonder why." Alex's eyes fall down to the twins beside her. "And even after you had twins your body still looks great." Caroline placed a protective arm around the twins.

"If you know where Klaus is, then tell or I swear I will rip you limb from limb until you tell me where I can find him." Caroline threatens, Alex dry chuckles as she takes a step forward.

"Oh, I'm shaking in my fucking boots," Alex says. "But I hate to  break it to you, Caroline, I'm immortal and stronger than you, and strong than these two and Bonnie, combined." Alex's eyes flash blue for a second making Caroline tense. "And about Klaus." Tara steps out of the kitchen with a takeaway bag in her hands. "He's not exactly up for a chat, in fact, I don't know when he'll be up for a chat."

"Wh-what do you mean?" Caroline asks, Tara placed the takeaway back on the table next to Alex's coffee before going back into the kitchen, Alex picks up the takeaway bag about to leave but Caroline stops her by placing her hand on her chest, Alex slaps her hand away and glares at the blonde.

"Don't touch," Alex says. "Klaus is in a bit of a situation, and I'm working on it."

"I can he-" Caroline begins.

"No, you can't!" Alex harshly cuts her off. "This is a war, and you don't want to get involved in this war, Caroline, you don't want to involve them, none of you would survive." A worried look crossed Caroline's face. "Now, take my advice, even though you hate, take it." Alex steps closer to Caroline. "Get the fuck out of town before you get yourself killed." Alex steps around Caroline and the twins, leaving Rousseau's.

I Was Feeling Heroic • Elijah Mikaelson [3]Where stories live. Discover now