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Alex hovers her hand over a dying wildflower in the Bayou, the flower begins rising up and the petals become bright pink once again, Hope stares at it in amazement, they were on their way towards Mary's home to wait for Klaus, he had stayed behind...

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Alex hovers her hand over a dying wildflower in the Bayou, the flower begins rising up and the petals become bright pink once again, Hope stares at it in amazement, they were on their way towards Mary's home to wait for Klaus, he had stayed behind to be completely sure that the Hallow had not affected, but there was some part of the Hallow inside him, Alex could sense it, but she hasn't figured it out yet.

"Whoa, that's so cool," Hope says. "How did you do that? Do you think that you can show me how to do that?" Alex faintly smiles at Hope.

"It's almost like magic, but not quite," Alex says. "I would love to show you, but I don't require a spell, but perhaps your aunt Freya or uncle Kol, would know." Hope nods her head, Alex picks the flower. "Here, you can have it." Alex hands the flower to Hope as Elijah approaches them.

"You truly know how to entertain my niece," Elijah says.

"I thought you were with Jackson and Hayley," Alex says.

"I'm not allowed in the house," Elijah says, Alex softly chuckles.

"Then perhaps we can go entertain ourselves elsewhere?" Alex suggests.

"I am entertained, watching you grow flowers without needing to touch them, or utter a single word," Elijah says, Alex lifts her hand turning it upwards, she slowly moves her hand downwards causing small droplets of rain to fall around them. "Must you?"

"Yes, you stand out in a suit," Alex says. "Perhaps we could go get you a pair of shorts and some t-shirts."

"Hilarious," Elijah says, Alex only smiles at him.

"Hope, could you come here for a second?" Hayley calls out.

"Coming mom!" Hope says and runs towards the cabin.

"Well, look at that, your entertainment left," Alex says, Elijah speeds towards Alex, he brushes some of her hair out of her face.

"Then perhaps it is time we go elsewhere," Elijah says.


Alex walks towards Hayley and Elijah as they spoke about a journal.

"I did terrible things to find my family, and when I did, they were already dead, and now I find out that the same people who killed them are the ones who hurt Hope," Hayley says.

"Only more reasons to get rid of this thing," Alex says. "I will find a way to destroy it, even if it ends up destroying me." Elijah's phone begins vibrating.

"I will not let anything happen to you, nor you, and especially not to my niece," Elijah says as he takes out his phone. "What is it?" He answers.

"You need to come back to the city or Marcel's going to kill Klaus," Freya says, Elijah looks at Hayley silently asking her if she'll be all right.

"We'll be back as soon as we can," Alex says as she placed her hand on Elijah's shoulder, Freya's location flashes through her mind and she teleports them to Freya's location, Elijah and Alex walk up the steps as Freya chanted a spell to break the door open.

"Need a hand?" Elijah asks, Freya turns to look at them.

"I could use it," Freya says, Alex placed her hand on the door.

"You two might want to take a step back," Alex says, a soft golden glow moves from her shoulders down her arm towards the door, an invisible barrier forms around Alex as the door begins shaking before shattering into pieces from the amount of power, Elijah speeds into the house and grabs Marcel pushing him into another room, Alex appears in front of Klaus as he grabs Elijah's neck and pushes him into a wall.

"Stop!" Alex says loudly as she grabs Klaus's bicep, she pulls him away and slams him up against a wall. "You're playing right into its hands." She pulls the dagger from his hand as a bright blue light begins forming from the hallway in the back, everyone turns to it and slowly approaches it, the blue light surrounded a shadow that appeared to look like a human, Alex's balls her hands into a fist as her hands begin burning with holy fire.

"LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE!" Freya yells, she throws a bottle towards the shadow, the bottle shatters against the shadow causing it to let out a loud high-pitched scream, everyone covers their ears in pain before the shadow disappeared, the battle wasn't over, not yet.


Elijah pours a drink into a glass and offers it to Klaus, but he was quick to reject it.

"I prefer my mind to remain unaltered for the time being," Klaus says, Alex stood in the background searching for any sign of the Hallow in the city.

"Weird, I feel exactly the opposite," Elijah says as Freya enters the room.

"Rest easy, brother," Freya says. "My spells have Marcel bound and cloaked, even more, I can find no trace of the Hallow's magic in either of you."

"So where has it gone?" Elijah asks.

"It's a ghost, it could be anywhere," Freya says, they turn to look at Alex.

"I'm searching for it, but I can't find it," Alex says. "However, I can confirm that it isn't here, I would have felt it by now if it was."

"We know that it still wants to sacrifice someone powerful, we have to be prepared," Freya says as she reaches for the dagger, Klaus grabs her hand stopping her.

"I think I'll hold on to it for now," Klaus says.

"This wasn't a gift, today proved Marcel's a threat, whether used as a sacrifice or possessed." Freya states.

"Regardless..." Klaus begins.

"What good is having a weapon if you won't use it?" Freya asks.

"Niklaus, give it to her," Elijah says, Klaus releases her hand and picks up the dagger.

"Having a monopoly of power makes you a target sister, remember that," Klaus says, he hands the dagger to Freya, she takes it and leaves. "You think I spared Marcel out of some mawkish sentimentality." Alex walks towards the two brothers. "The Hallow wanted both of us dead, killing him would have given it what it wanted, Mercy was necessary, that's all."

I Was Feeling Heroic • Elijah Mikaelson [3]Where stories live. Discover now