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Alex stood next to Hayley in the back living room in the abattoir, Freya was preparing to cast a spell to enter the pendant and try to fix Elijah's broken mind, Klaus steps into the room putting his cellphone into his coat.

"Rebekah and Kol just landed, I assured them we are just mere moments away from returning our brother to life," Klaus says, he points at the pendant. "Don't make me a liar."

"I can't resurrect, Elijah," Freya says, Alex crosses her arms over her chest as she looked at Klaus, had he not been paying attention? "Not until I'm certain his mind his whole."

"You saved Finn with that very trinket, what's the problem?" Klaus asks.

"When the pendant shattered, Elijah's mind shattered with it." Freya begins explaining. "He's most likely retreated to the innermost core of his consciousness."

"How do we find it?" Hayley asks, Jackson had been at the Bayou for the past week helping out the packs, Hayley was supposed to go help him, but decided to stay behind and see if she could be of any help in the city.

"I don't know, he could be anywhere in over thousands of memories, but if I try fixing the pendant before finding him and healing his mind, he'll be permanently fractured," Freya says. "Like casting a broken bone before it's been properly set."

"Spare me the medical analogies and fix him," Klaus demands.

"I need to go inside him and find him," Freya says. "Once I am sure his mind is stable, then I can fix the pendant."

"Well then, stop talking and get in there," Klaus says, he had no idea how complicated it would be.

"You're not being helpful, so why don't you go and get rid of those rosebushes," Alex says, she was in no mood for Klaus's demands and he wasn't being any help at the moment, Klaus stares at her before letting out a sigh and leaving the room, Alex looks at Hayley as she uncrosses her arms. "Why don't you take Hope out to the Bayou, see if you can help Jackson?"

"Sure, but call if you two need any help," Hayley says.

"We will," Alex says, Hayley gives them a faint smile before leaving as well, Alex looks towards Freya. "Do you need a power source?"

"I'm going to need all the magic I can get," Freya says, Alex walks towards her.

"I'm right here if you need it," Alex says, Freya nods her head giving a thankful smile to Alex.

"Thank you," Freya says, she walks towards the circle she had drawn on the floor and lays down in the middle.

"Are you ready?" Alex asks, Freya nods her head before taking in a deep breath.

"I have to be," Freya says. "Tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz." She chants before falling quiet, Alex stares at her hoping it had worked, Freya sits up gasping for air.

"What happened?" Alex asks as she made her way towards Freya, her eyes wide with concern.

"I thought I found him," Freya says. "But he just vanished right in front of me." Alex extends her arm out to Freya, Freya takes Alex's hand and Alex pulls her to her feet. "That's not our only problem." Freya walks towards the small round table. "I can't search Elijah's mind and sustain a spell at the same time."

"Then put me in his mind," Alex says. "You stay out here, anchor the spell." Freya turns to look at Alex. "I'll find him and bring him back."

"You have a history with him and a long one as I've heard," Freya says. "Perhaps it could work." Freya picks up a bowl. "I'll need your blood." Alex walks towards Freya and picks up the knife.

I Was Feeling Heroic • Elijah Mikaelson [3]Where stories live. Discover now