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Alex's brows were furrowed, her lips pursed as she stared off into space with her palm on her forehead, she was tired after what had happened inside Elijah's mind but her mind refused to switch off, something was bothering her and keeping her awake, could it be her demonic side bothering her? The shock that Elijah would hurt her? Or the nagging feeling scratching at the back of her mind that she was being used by the Mikaelson family, she heard the bedroom door opens making her turn her head to the side to see who it was, she was lying on Elijah's bed as she waited for them to bring him back.

"Freya said you'd be here," Klaus says as he steps into the room. "I'd like to personally thank you for saving my brother."

"It was... it's whatever." Alex mutters, she was drained physically and emotionally.

"Are you all right?" Klaus asks as he sits down on the edge of the bed, concern laced in his voice, Alex lets out a long sigh as she removes her hand from her forehead.

"Where do I even start?" Alex says. "The part where I found out that he killed one of my friends? That I found out that Santino only wanted to have sex with me? Or what happened behind the red door?"

"You went into the red door?" Klaus asks, Alex bites her bottom lip as she thought back to it, she nods her head.

"He chose the darkest part of his mind to go and hide, and I don't know what happened, but I was so weak inside his mind, I had to concentrate so hard just to get something to happen," Alex says, she looks up at the ceiling. "He naturalized my powers, which angered the demon." Alex could see images flashing through her mind as it happened. "But then it almost felt like he wanted me to fight back, and that's when the demon took control." Klaus had heard about her demonic side, but not enough to be bothered. "I only managed to gain control when Elijah's teeth sank into my neck." Klaus's eyes fell to her neck to if he found any sign of a bruise, but found nothing. "He thinks he's a monster."

"You know what we are," Klaus says. "We're, all of us, monsters, we've committed countless atrocities over the years, but Elijah..." Klaus pauses for a moment, Alex pushes herself into a sitting position to listen. "He has only ever done those things for family, and that is why he's the very best of us, he always has been." Klaus's eyes looked everywhere except at Alex.

"A monster is a thing that doesn't give a damn about anyone, as long as it's for its own purpose, pleasure and gain," Alex says, Klaus looks at her as her words piqued his interest. "Eight years ago I would've never thought that you could care for a child, but you've changed a lot since Mystic Falls, it might not be right, but your actions aren't monstrous, it's to protect your family and your daughter." Alex's eyes fall to her hands on her lap.

"But does that justify all the wrongs I have done?" Klaus asks, he stared at her hoping to hear an answer he wanted, hoping to hear that it did not justify all the wrongs that he had done just to punish himself even more.

"I look at you, Hayley and Hope..." Alex begins, she could feel tears pricking in her eyes. "And I can only wish for a family, a mother, a father." She looks up at him as she licks her lips, tears were threatening to spill. "To love me, to protect me, to teach me about what I am, but instead they were murdered." She sniffs as she felt her face become puffy. "Marriage isn't at the top of my to-do list, but knowing your parents will never be there to see you in a stupid white dress, hurts." Klaus reaches for her hand to comfort her.

"You're part of this family," Klaus says, Alex lets out a sigh as a fake smile appeared on her lips.

"Am I?" Alex asks as she pulls her hand from his grasp, she might've been looking for a reason to fight, but she couldn't help the nagging feeling telling her that she was being used and that nobody could love her. "Because sometimes it feels like I'm just being used, only getting praise if I was able to actually help." Letting out another sigh, she runs her hand through her hair. "Just... just forget that we had this conversation."

"How can I forget it? If I..." Klaus begins but stops. "If we had known you felt this way..." Alex stood from the bed causing Klaus to stand as well.

"Then what? You would've shown appreciation?" Alex asks. "Look, I'm just going to go do some more research on my own, I know I have a lot more to discover about myself and if we're going to have any chance at getting rid of The Hallow, I'm going to need every last bit of power I can find." She walks towards the bedroom door.

"Alex, wait," Klaus says, he needed her to know that they weren't using her, that they cared about her, she exits the bedroom with Klaus following her, once he reached the hallway it was empty. "Teleportation, wonderful for running out on a conversation."

I Was Feeling Heroic • Elijah Mikaelson [3]Where stories live. Discover now