Part 3

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I scoffed. So did Joe.

"It's funny," Sal laughed.

"It's not when I... I don't know... bring my cats," he grumbled.

"Look, man, I'm sorry," he put his hands up in defence.

Joe and Murr gave each other a disapproving glare. The 'I've seen this before' face.

"Just quit goofing around!" he exclaimed, noticing me, "it's..."

"Olivia." I filled in.

"Yes! Hi."

I have a sheepish grin and turned back round.

"LOOK," Joe yelled, "Olivia needs you to sign the... paper towel."

"I'll go one better," Sal said, and pulled out a huge poster of Murr from inside a cupboard. Already drawn a fake moustache and coloured in teeth.

"Wow," I grimaced. "You drew this?"

"Well, the finishing touches," he said, pleased.

They all contributed to the drawing and left a little note. Like 'lovely to meet you' and 'let's get sexy' (which I didn't understand until Sal told me it was a part of the show).

The picture would be a good keepsake, but I couldn't see myself keeping it.

"So, it's just a photo of... Murr... with a fake moustache?"

"Which is one more than he'll ever get," Q added.

"Joe it's your turn next," Murr said, a little too loudly.

Joe flounced out the secret corridor/ room and went back out into the shopping centre. He already looked awkward and out of place.

Joes voice was booming around speakers around a big tv, with several squares of different angles. Each following Joe precisely.

Sal quickly said, "Joe, ask this woman when her baby is due." Sal motioned his fingers towards a largely built woman, who had now been stopped in her tracks.

"Excuse me," Joe mumbled, sweating, "when... when's your baby due?"

The embarrassment in his face looked unbearable yet funny at the same time.

"You jerks," Joe said.

It was Qs turn to speak, "Joe, go and take that kids toys."

Two kids next to their parents stood, in a perfect line, playing with their two teddies.

"No..." I whispered.

Joe was feeling the same as I did. It was hard to believe this was only happening about 20 meters from me.

Joe snatched a teddy from one little girls' hand, and took the other one slowly, prising it from her hand.

"You don't deserve it," Joe smirked, "I need the win."

"You guys are mean," I shook my head.

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