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a deep sleep fell upon me—a sleep like that of death. how long it lasted, of course i know not; but when, once again, i unclosed my eyes, the objects around me were visible 

distance between pendulum and ground: forty feet

[a/n] the rest of the chapters will now be written in regular paragraphing

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[a/n] the rest of the chapters will now be written in regular paragraphing. the other format was only used because in the first two chapters, everything was pitch-black and they could only hear what the others were saying. now that they can see again, the format will be different. sorry for any confusion! (ᵔᴥᵔ) 


j u n g k o o k

jungkook opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the dim light that bathed his pupils in a grey haze.

he felt cold, hard ground beneath his body, though it seemed remarkably smooth. he swept his outstretched fingers across the floor beside him, taking in the luxurious, smooth feel of the surface.

where am i? he wondered, trying to think back to what had happened before he had fallen asleep.

and then it hit him.

i'm in a weird prison or something, jungkook told himself. there's six other guys in here too, i think.

propping himself up on his elbows, he looked around him, taking in the new sights. he remembered that before he had fallen asleep, everything had been pitch-black, and he hadn't been able to see anything. now, he could see, thanks to an eerie grey light that filled the room, the source of which he could not find.

the room was square, with huge, arching ceilings and entirely smooth black walls and flooring. he could see the sleeping forms of six others scattered around the room, all of them snoring softly.

getting up slowly, jungkook turned carefully in a circle, taking in the full view of the room. there were three entirely unmarked walls in front of him, but when he turned to look at what he expected to be another identical wall, his heart leapt in surprise and he instinctively took a step back.

where the fourth wall should have been, there was instead a gaping hole in the ground, a creepy red light emanating from the bottom of it. memories of his discovery of this chasm before he had fallen asleep came rushing back to him, and he remembered how he had nearly fallen in.

bending cautiously over the pit, he found that the same, acrid stench still rose into his nostrils when he sniffed the air over the chasm. wrinkling his nose slightly, he bent farther over the abyss, trying to get a better look at what was below.

he nearly choked when he caught a glimpse of what was below. beyond a great span of darkness, he could see an illuminated patch at the bottom of the pit, and sprawled upon the ground there was a mass of dead bodies.

gagging, jungkook stumbled back, his heart and mind racing. the thing he had been smelling had been the stench of rotting human flesh. the sight of those bodies, piled up at the bottom of the chasm made his stomach churn, and he had to fight to keep himself from vomiting.

turning around again, he took in the sight of his sleeping companions, and something in his mind clicked.

are we supposed to end up down there?


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