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my excessive fatigue induced me to remain prostrate; and sleep soon overtook me as i lay. 

distance between pendulum and ground: twenty feet

distance between pendulum and ground: twenty feet

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j i n

a shared feeling of dread overcame the seven of them as they looked up at the pendulum, realizing that it had lowered another ten feet within the last hour or so.

"as creepy as this whole pendulum thing is," yoongi said, breaking the stunned, horrified silence, "i still stand by my point. even if the pendulum reaches the ground, we won't be affected by it."

"true," jin said, more to help calm his racing heart than anything else.

"taehyung, wake up!"

they all looked towards hoseok, who was now attempting to shake a sleeping taehyung awake.

"he fell asleep?" namjoon cried, looking at the sleeping man with surprise written plainly on his face.

"i guess so," hoseok said, shaking taehyung one last time before giving up. "but maybe he was just tir--" 

the five of them stared at hoseok in horror as he let out a loud yawn.

"hoseok?" jungkook ventured tentatively. "are you feeling sleepy again?"

"yeah..." hoseok moaned tiredly, beginning to sink back onto the ground with his eyes half-closed.

"holy shit," yoongi breathed. "this is not good."

"if we all fall asleep again, there's no knowing what will happen to us when we wake up," namjoon said, looking at hoseok and taehyung warily.

"okay, everyone, try and stay awake!" jin said.

"got it," jungkook grunted, as his face contorted while he tried to hold in a yawn.

"just... try... to... fight... it..." namjoon mumbled, before, much to their alarm, collapsing onto the ground, fast asleep.

"oh, shit," yoongi muttered, as his eyes frantically scanned their three sleeping companions. "i have a really bad feeling about this."

"so do i," jimin whimpered, watching in panic as jungkook fell onto the ground beside namjoon.

"is it just us now?" jin asked, looking between yoongi and jimin.

"i think," yoongi said, with a slow nod.

"oh no," jimin said, and jin saw his eyes begin to slowly close. "it's hitting me now," he murmured, before collapsing beside jin.

jin looked up at yoongi, their frightened eyes meeting.

"are you feeling tired yet?" jin asked him.

"a little bit," yoongi said, rubbing at one of his eyes with a hand. "oh shit, shit, shit," he mumbled sleepily, and jin saw the blonde man's limbs begin to loosen and become more limp. "i think i'm about to--" he began, before hitting the ground with a soft snore.

jin watched his six sleeping comrades, his heartbeat quickening. how had they all fallen asleep so suddenly? what had prompted this sudden epidemic of fatigue?

there was something about the order in which they had fallen asleep--first taehyung, then hoseok, then namjoon, then jungkook, then jimin and then yoongi--that seemed strangely familiar to him. out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the tray of now-empty metal plates that they had eaten from about fifteen minutes before.

"of course," he whispered to himself. the meat must've been drugged, he thought, both proud and terrified by his deduction.

taehyung had been the first to notice--and eat--the meat. then hoseok had taken a few bites, quickly followed by namjoon, then jungkook, jimin and yoongi. jin had been the last to eat, as he had let his companions take their plates from the tray before him while he had hung back.

the order in which they fell asleep must have been the same order in which they had taken their first bites of the drugged meal.

at that moment, a sudden and fierce drowsiness overtook him, reminding him of that first slumber he had fallen into when they had first awoken in this strange prison. his brain grew muddy, as did his vision and the rest of his senses.

he wanted nothing more than to sleep. to sleep for eons, and never awaken.


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