Chapter 8

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Travis's POV

I was walking past our room when I heard a familiar voice. "Again, why did you need to speak to me in private?" Katelyn asked. The door was shut. I really didn't want to eavesdrop, but my curiosity got the best of me. "Because. You're almost 30 Katelyn. I've seen everything with you. We've made some of the most amazing memories together... but you're an adult now. And I'm worried that if you don't find someone soon, you'll be alone when I'm gone." Her dad explained. "But I have Aphmau, and everyone!" She protested. "You're right. But Aphmau and Lucinda are starting their own lives. They're gonna have kids to take care of soon, their own families." He sighed. "What're you suggesting?" Katelyn snapped. "I was suggesting that maybe... a boyfriend, or husband even would be good... and that you start a family." Eric explained. I felt my face flush red with embarrassment. "D-Dad!!! Y-You can't be serious!" Katelyn stuttered, clearly just as shocked. "Sugar pea, I know that sounds weird, but like I said, if you don't find someone, you might have to live alone." He retorted. "Look, Dad, I understand what you're saying... but... I'm just not ready to have kids. Besides... I'm pretty sure that my... boyfriend... isn't either." Katelyn admitted. She has a boyfriend?! Wait... is she talking about me?! I shook my head to clear the thought. "Well, at least you've got a boyfriend. Now go have fun. There's supposed to be a scuba diving team taking you guys out today." He laughed. I stepped away just in time, making it seem like I was walking by. Eric headed downstairs. Katelyn was brighter than a rose, blushing horribly. "Travis... why are you blushing?" She glared. "Uh..." I hadn't thought of an excuse. "You heard that, didn't you?" Katelyn sighed. I nodded defeatedly. "It's okay. To be honest, I was gonna tell you anyways." She ducked her head, embarrassed. "Katelyn, I would never ask you that until you were ready. I might not have respected personal boundaries before, but I do now." I replied. Katelyn gave me a smile. "You're a good friend Travis. You really are." She admitted, wrapping her arms around my neck, giving me a hug. I felt myself begin to blush again, setting my arms around her upper waist, pulling her into a hug. "No matter what happens, I'll always be here." I promised, voice lowered. "Thank you."

Katelyn's POV

Memories of the night I had left without telling anyone flashed in front of me. Multiple times I thought I saw a dark figure, shoving me down the hill. Hitting the ground, I couldn't breathe. The force of impact had knocked the breath out of me. I stared helplessly as the person slammed a blade into me, ripping through my side. I screeched in pain, only to be kicked over and over until a familiar voice wailed, calling for me. The figure dragged me into a small cave that had been carved by waves into the side of the mountain, running off before they were caught. I knew it was over. No one was gonna be able to find me in time. Pain wracked my body as I bled faster and faster. The second I saw Travis, I felt a massive sense of relief wash over me. He comforted me, genuinely scared and worried. I expected him to leave, to go get help, but he didn't. He wrapped the wound, slowly lying down next to me. I was terrified, not wanting to let anyone close. But the warmth and safe feeling radiating from him kept me from trying to escape. Travis stayed up, comforting me the best he could, all night. The memory faded, and a darker scene flashed in front of me. I stared in horror as Lucinda was about to be shot. Before thinking, I darted in front of the gun's path, taking the blow. Once again, I was bleeding out, too fast. But the first person by my side was Travis. He was horrified as I was shot again and again. All I wanted was to hide. My instincts said I needed the one I trusted most to be there for me, but I wanted to leave. And the next thing I knew, I had passed out. Waking up again, I saw Travis sitting at my side in the hospital. He was the only one there. And he was the only one who carried me home. The only one who saved my life more than once. Thoughts raced though my head. Travis was my boyfriend, yes, but he deserves to be more than that. I need to show him that I love him... because as much as I'm scared to admit it... I really do. I love him so much. I just... can't let my dad find out.

Not yet...

Scared, I shot straight up, chest heaving. Looking around, I saw that I was alone. Fear took over me for a moment. Katelyn, come on! If you need someone to talk to, you know who. I scolded myself, shakily standing up. Quietly, I crept downstairs. My heart lifted when I saw who I wanted to talk to sitting by themselves. Slowly, I made my way over to the couch. "Katelyn! What're you doing up so early?" Travis frowned. I couldn't hold back the tears, collapsing against him. "I'm so sorry!" I hissed, crying harder. Travis overcame the split second of shock, pulling me close. He wrapped one arm around my lower back, his other hand against my head as I cried. "Shh. It's okay." He whispered. I was crying so hard my chest was tightening so I could barely breathe, coughing hard. "Katelyn, it's gonna be okay. C-Can you tell me what's wrong?" He asked softly. I nodded, explaining what had happened. "Someone did that to you?!" He glared outside angrily. "Travis... I love you!" I cried, tears falling down my face. "I love you too Katelyn." Travis pulled me closer, resting his head on my shoulder. I felt my anxiety fall down to nothing, my heart rate go back to normal. Shutting my eyes, I breathed in his scent, staying quiet. Travis was staying by my side, just like he had been. I don't remember when, but at some point we had fallen asleep.

Travis's POV

"Aw!" Aph smiled as she walked downstairs. I blushed, looking at Katelyn, who was asleep on top of me. Last night, once she had fallen asleep, I had laid down so we could both sleep better. "Rough night?" Aaron yawned. I nodded. "She's been through a lot. I'm not surprised." He sighed. "I just want to be here for her." I spoke quietly. "You're doing a good thing. She needs someone." Laurance stretched, coming into the living room. "You need anything?" Aaron offered. "As long as she's safe, I'm okay."

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