Chapter 6

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Laurance's POV

"Laurance?" Lucinda whispered. It was the middle of the night. "What's up?" I yawned, looking away before looking back. "My stomach hurts again." She whimpered. Lucinda's been hurting for the past couple days. "I'm sorry it's causing you so much pain. Is there anything I can do to help?" I sighed, stroking her hand gently. "I'm just gonna take a walk tomorrow, see if that helps." She replied. "Okay." I smiled, pulling her closer. Lucinda squirmed in pain before relaxing. "Thank you Laurance." Lucinda whimpered. "Of course."

I jumped at a startled scream. Aphmau and Aaron stared at each other curiously, Zane shrugging. Silence. Another scream woke Kawaii~Chan and Garroth up, who was on the floor and the railing, sleeping. I never understood how Kawaii~Chan could sleep on a railing, of all things. "What's going on?" Cadenza came back inside, Melissa and Vylad following behind. "What in the world?!" Dante shouted, coming downstairs, Gene alongside. "Who the heck is screaming and why the heck are they screaming?" Katelyn glared. Travis shrugged, confused. "That's what we're trying to figure out." Aaron replied. "Wait where's Lucinda?" Garroth frowned. "Uhhh..." Kawaii~Chan trailed off as Lucinda slowly walked over, seeming quite anxious. "Are you okay?!" I worried, setting my hands on her shoulders. She drew in a shuddering breath, blinking back tears. "I... yes... I'm fine!" Lucinda lied. Everyone stared at her curiously. "Okay, fine! I lied! Do you really want to know what's wrong?!" She glared. We nodded. She shook her head, beginning to cry softly. "Shh. It's okay. We just want to help." I gave Lucinda a hug before letting her reply. "I found out why I've been feeling sick..." She began. There was a quick pause before Lucinda took in a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." She winced, as if someone was going to hit her for saying that. "Lucinda... I... congratulations!!!" I cried, pulling Lucinda into a kiss. Our friends cheered in excitement. Words could not express the emotions I was feeling. I was excited beyond anything I'd ever imagined, yet scared at the same time. "I love you so much Laurance." She smiled through tears. "I love you too Lucy."

"Ugh, Laurance, we've been over this before. I'm pregnant, not broken." Lucinda groaned. "Look, I'm sorry, I'm just nervous!" I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. "It's okay. I'm just as nervous." She smiled, nuzzling against me. I wrapped my arm around her comfortingly. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kawaii~Chan shrieked at the top of her lungs. "Woah KC! What's wrong?!" I frowned. "KAWAII~CHAN'S SHIP!!!" She squealed, flinging herself around the house. "What ship?!" Lucinda snapped. "Aphmau~Senpai has something to say!!!" Kawaii~Chan purred. Aphmau came downstairs, an excited look on her face. "Aphmau what is it?" Zane worried. "I'm pregnant!!!" She grinned. "Really?!" Garroth grinned. "Yes!" Aph squeaked. "Well congrats!" I laughed. "Does Aaron know?" Katelyn frowned. "No... and I'm not ready to tell him. He's a bit busy, and I don't think I need to make anything more hectic than it already is." She sighed. I nodded. "I understand." I replied. "Aph?" Aaron walked inside. "Yes?" She answered. "You guys up for a quick tour around the island? Guy's actually got a surprise for us." He grinned. I stood up, helping Lucinda up after me. Walking side by side, our group made our way down to Guy. "Glad to see you're all doing well after the event... anyways, enough of that! Onwards!" He led us along a path. "Here we are!" We stopped in front of what looked like a mini-neighborhood. "I've spoken with Aaron, and we came to the agreement that these houses are all yours if you want it!" He grinned. I stared in shock. "You mean... this is all for us? To live in, all year?" I gasped. "Yup!" Guy nodded. "Thank you!!!" Aph squealed, squishing him in a hug. "No problem. You all are such a fun bunch to have around anyways!" He laughed. "Lucinda?" I pulled her to the side. "Yes?" She gave me an excited look. "Do you want... to move in with me?" I offered. "Of course!" Lucinda gave me a kiss on the cheek, brushing against me. I felt myself blush as we headed back to the group. "Come on, I want to check it all out!" Dante cheered, racing inside. I walked into what I hoped to be our house. Scanning each room, I felt more and more excited with each step I took. "I'm ready to call this home." Lucinda sighed, leaning against me. I wrapped my arm around her comfortingly. "I am too."

"So?" I greeted Lucinda at the entryway of the vacation house. I mean, it was vacation, so we weren't moving in completely yet. All our furniture and stuff were here and ready. "We're going to have a daughter." She smiled. My heart exploded with joy. "I'm so happy for you." I cried, pulling Lucinda into a hug. "For us." She spoke softly. "For us."

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