Chapter Two - Telling

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Harry's POV
I woke up before Louis the next day. He was snoring slightly beside me making my smile. I wasn't feeling the best so I thought a walk might help. It didn't. I looked out the window and couldn't even see our street! The fans were everywhere. Great! I love the fans, I do but sometimes they take things a little too seriously. Like they found out I was at the doctor and suddenly #Harrysdying was trending. So now that I couldn't go for a walk I settled on having some food. I didn't eat much last night, maybe that's why I was feeling sick? I wandered downstairs still in my boxers, and made some cereal. I was around halfway through eating when I felt two strong arms around my waist.
"Mornin' Lou." I smiled and leaned into him.
"Good morning love." He smiled back and walked around in front of me. "Sleep well?" He asked making some tea.
"Yeah alright. I kinda feel sick." I sighed.
"Well that would be the baby talking." Louis laughed.
"We should probably talk about this." I said quietly.
"About the baby? What about it?" He asked.
"How are we going to tell people? And who? And what if they hate us?" I rambled. He cut me off with a kiss.
"How about you let me wake up first?" He smiled. I nodded.
"Sorry. I just think the sooner the better I guess." I sighed again.
"It's ok babe. I understand. How about we start with telling your family, then mine?" He suggested.
"Ok. Yeah." I smiled a bit.
"Good. You want some tea?" He asked.
"No thanks. I think I'll have a shower." I said standing up and taking my bowl to the sink.
"Oh ok. I should check the mail." He said wondering to the door.
"I wouldn't. The fans are out there. Loads of them. Apparently I'm dying." I laughed and walked upstairs. He looked at me confused before going back to making tea.

After the shower I felt a bit better. Though I had started getting nervous about telling mum and Jay. What if they think I'm a freak? Then there's the boys and Simon! Maybe I should think about something else? I walked into the bedroom to change and found Louis looking through the wardrobe in just his boxers making me smile.
"What are you doing Tomlinson?" I asked.
"Finding some clothes Styles. I think you need some too." He laughed.
"I think I do." I laughed back looking down at the towel around my waist.
"Wear this. I love this shirt on you." Louis smiled handing me my Ramones shirt.
"Lou. I always wear this shirt." I sighed.
"So. I like it. So you can wear it." He smirked.
"Fine. If you wear your suspenders and red pants again." I smiled.
"No. I don't wear that anymore Haz." He groaned.
"Come on Lou. Please. For me!" I pouted.
"Fine." He sighed. We got changed and I must say Louis was looking fine!
"See. You look sexy." I winked.
"I look stupid. Why did I used to wear this?" He shuddered looking in the mirror.
"Don't say that!" I yelled. "You look like you. That's how the fans like you Lou. Like this." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.
"You think so?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled and spun around to face me. "Well I think you look quite sexy yourself." He winked.
"Oh really?" I smirked. Now he nodded and kissed me. We were interupted by my phone ringing. I groaned but answered it. "Hello?"
"Harry? It's Liam. Where are you?" He asked. I could hear screaming in the background.
"Um at home. Why, where are you?" I asked back.
"Out the front. OW!" He yelled. "That hurt!"
"Liam? What's happening?" I yelled.
"Harry, it's Zayn. We're out the front. Let us in." He said firmly.
"Ok hold on." I said running downstairs. Lou followed me and we opened the front door.
"Jesus about time!" Niall yelled falling inside, followed by Liam and Zayn.
"What the hell was happening out there?" Louis asked as we helped them up and locked the door.
"The-fans-are-going-nuts." Liam explained in between taking breaths.
"Well we get that, but why?" I asked.
"Apparently you're dying." Niall said looking at me strangely.
"Uh no I'm not." I laughed.
"Then why are they tweeting it and crying?" Zayn asked.
"I had a doctors appointment yesterday. They saw I was upset I guess and jumped to conclusions." I explained.
"Wait why were you at the doctor?" Liam asked.
"And why were you upset?" Niall added.
"Should we tell them?" I asked Louis.
"It's up to you Haz. I'll be here." He smiled grabbing my hand.
"Uh what's happening?" Zayn asked. We sat them down and I took a deep breath before telling them.
"So um basically, we're having a baby." I smiled.
"Huh? I'm confused. Liam what's going on?" Niall whined.
"I don't know." Liam said confused himself.
"Who did you get pregnant Harry?" Zayn questioned.
"No one. Louis got me pregnant."
"WHAT?!" They all yelled.
"But how-"
"Harry has a womans reproductive system." He started. "Like ovaries and stuff which means he can have a baby. Our baby." Louis smiled. The boys were still shocked.
"O-kay. So he's pregnant now?" Zayn asked.
"Yes you idiot, I just explained that." Louis laughed.
"Please don't hate me. I didn't mean for this to happen." I sobbed thinking they would think I was a freak.
"Hey Haz we don't hate you." Liam said seriously giving me a hug.
"Yeah it's great for you and Lou to have a baby." Niall smiled.
"Congrats." Zayn smiled too. I was shocked. They didn't hate me.
"T-Thanks guys." I smiled too. We chatted about some stuff over some tea before I finally worked up the currage to tell mum.
"Good luck Haz." Liam smiled before they left.
"Thanks. I think I'll need it." I said nervously. They left and I called mum to make sure she was home.
"It'll be fine babe. Surely your mum knew about this." He said as we hopped into the car.
"Yeah but still. It's not easy to hear your son is pregnant, before your daugther." I said seriously making Louis chuckle.
"She'll understand Haz. Just breathe." He said. I nodded. "How about you sleep and I'll drive." He suggested.
"Ok. I could use a nap." I laughed. We swapped places and Louis set off on the way to Cheshire. I was praying things would go ok.

Louis' POV
Harry was snoring away beside me in the car making me laugh. He looked so adorable. We were around halfway to Cheshire before I needed to stop. My legs were asleep and I was so hungry I could hear my stomach growling. Harry could use something too. Especially for the baby. I had to wake him up. I didn't want to but...
"Babe. Harry, wake up." I said shaking him lightly. He groaned and rolled over but didn't wake up. "Harry. Get up!"
"Go away. I'm sleeping." He muttered pushing me. I laughed.
"No you're getting up. Come and get some food." I said seriously.
"Food?" He said sitting up quickly. "I'm starving."
"God you sound like Niall, on a good day."
"Come on Lou. Don't just sit there." He said getting out of the car. "I'm hungry." He laughed walking into McDonalds. I followed and locked the car. He was already ordering his meal. "Ooh quick Lou. What do you want?" He asked pulling me over.
"Uh...a chicken meal." I answered. He ordered a large one and we waited and sat down. "Now you are eating like Niall. Are you ok?" I asked watching his shovel chips into his mouth.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" He asked back.
"Because you ordered the whole restaurant!"
"So! I'm hungry Louis is that ok with you!" He yelled.
"Whoa Haz I was just saying. No need to shout." I said putting my hands up. He didn't say anything. He didn't eat anything either. "Babe what's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing. I'm not hungry anymore." He said softly. I knew I stuffed everything up.
"Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it." I said holding his hand over the table.
"I know. I just don't want to look fat." He said embarrassed.
"Fat? What are you talking about? You don't look fat."
"I will."
"Harry that's part of all this. You can't help that. Everyone who gets pregnant gets fat eventually."
"Every woman you mean." He sighed. "It's just embarrassing. This shouldn't happen to me."
"But it did and it's a miracle. We're having a baby. That's what's important. Not whether you get fat or not." I said seriously. He nodded. "Babe eat you food before it goes cold. You have loads of time before you get fat." I smiled. He smiled too and ate the rest of his food before we left. He drove this time until we made it to Anne's. Hopefully he can hold it together to tell her.

Harry's POV
We make it to mum's at around 6:30 pm which means we will stay the night. She won't let us go home. I was so worried about telling her.
"Uh Haz, are we getting out?" Louis asked snapping me back to reality.
"What?" I asked.
"I said are we getting out? We've been sitting here for 10 minutes."
"Oh. Right yeah. Come on then." I said hopping out. He followed me and we went inside. Mum, Robin and Gemma were all there! Shit!
"Harry!" Gem smiled hugging me tightly.
"Hey Gem." I smiled back. I missed her so much.
"Hey Lou. Aw, you look so cute." She giggled hugging him too.
"Thanks Gem." He laughed.
"How are you baby?" Mum asked hugging me. Nice choice of words mum. I thought.
"I'm great. How are you? And Robin." I smiled hugging him too.
"We're perfect. What did you want to talk about love?" She asked sitting on the couch. I looked at Louis and he stood next to me.
"So mum I'm guessing you know about my little problem?" I asked. She looked at me confused. "That I have ovaries!" I said loudly. Her eyes widened.
"How did you know about that Harry?" She asked.
"The doctor told me. Thanks for the warning."
"Harry I'm sorry. They told me that they wouldn't be a problem. Nothing's wrong is it?" She questioned.
"No, well not really. Did they tell you anything about having a baby?" I asked.
"She said it was possible but it was one in a million. Are you...pregnant?" I looked down and nodded.
"You're having a baby?!" Gemma yelled making me flinch. That's exactly what I didn't want. Yelling.
"Don't yell at me. It's not my fault!" I cried and hugged Louis. He rubbed my back trying to make me feel better.
"Harry we know it's not your fault. Everything's ok." Mum said coming over.
"I didn't mean to yell Haz. I was shocked. That's all." Gemma said hugging me too.
"So you all don't hate me?" I asked quietly. They laughed.
"Of course not Harry. We never will." Gemma smiled.
"I'm going to be a grandma!" Mum smiled happily. Making us chuckle. Louis and I stayed the night but had to sleep in my tiny little room.
"Don't hog the bed!"I yelled at Lou.
"I'm not you move." He said taking all the blankets.
"Lou!" I whined.
"This is hopeless." He sighed.
"We could do something other than sleep." I said sexily.
"Oh and what would that be?" He asked.
"Let me show you." I smirked and kissed him. Let's just say we didn't get much sleep. ;)

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