Chapter One - Finding Out

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Harry's POV
"I'M WHAT!" I yelled at the doctor as she told me. She was SO mistaken. This wasn't right. I had been feeling off and vomiting lately so Louis took me to the doctor. I was expecting a bug to be the cause. Not a baby!
"You're pregnant Harry. No lie." She said looking at the papers in her hand.
"No...not me. I'm just Harry. I'm a guy!" I freaked out.
"Babe, I saw the test myself. It was positive." Louis said seriously.
"Louis why aren't you freaking out?! I'm pregnant!" I yelled.
"Harry calm down. This isn't that big of a deal." He said calmly.
"Not that big of a deal?! Louis I'm having a baby!"
"Harry as weird as that is, it's not completely uncommon. There have been a few cases reported over the last one hundred years." The doctor explained.
"But I'm still confused. I'm a guy. I have a..." I said gesturing towards my private area.
She laughed lightly. "Yes you do but it is still possible for you to get pregnant. You were born with and developed female reproductive organs. Ovaries and stuff." She explained. Suddenly I felt sick! I was part female.
"Does that make me a shim?" I asked making them both chuckle.
"No Harry. You are still a man. Just a bit different." I nodded. I'm not quite sure if I like this idea. "You still have options. Whether you want the baby or not. Or we can remove everything-"
"NO!" I yelled quickly. "I don't want to kill my baby. They did nothing wrong." I said seriously. She nodded.
"It's completely your choice." She smiled. "But since you're keeping the baby you will need to get check ups every two weeks and vitamins-" She continued but I blanked out. A baby. MY baby. This was not what I was expecting. Luckily Louis was listening and took all the information in before we left. I couldn't focus properly on anything on the way home. Louis asked me questions but I couldn't answer. I was silent. I was shocked.

"Haz are you ok?" Louis asked as we walked inside.
"Yeah, just thinking." I sighed sitting on the couch.
"About our baby?" He giggled sitting next to me. He actually giggled.
"Yeah. I'm worried Lou. What should we do?" I asked tears threatening my eyes.
"We should keep it and raise it." He answered.
"Yeah but what are we going to do later? When I get bigger. Everyone will think I'm a freak of nature."
"But you're my freak of nature." He smiled and hugged me.
"Lou." I laughed. "I'm being serious. This scares me."
"It scares me too Haz. I know you're worried but things will be ok. I'm not leaving." He said seriously.
"Thanks Lou." I smiled at him.
"You know I will always be there babe. And this is perfect. We're having a baby, together." He smiled back. That's true. Before if we wanted a baby we would need to adopt or have someone help us which is expensive. Not to mention only one of us could be the father. This time we both can be. Maybe this is a good thing? I pondered resting my head on Louis' shoulder. Before I knew it I was asleep.

Louis' POV
Harry snored quietly on my shoulder making me realise he was asleep. I laughed to myself and slowly got up, picking him up bridal style and carried him to our room. I lied him on the bed before pulling a blanket over him and kissing his forehead lightly.
"Sleep tight Haz." I smiled. I knew him being sick and now with this added he was tired. He should sleep. I got started on making something for dinner. I had no idea what to do. I don't cook. I sighed and looked in the fridge and cupboard. Nothing! What am I going to cook?! I looked around and finally decided on chicken and chips. Everyone loves that. I smiled as I cooked the chicken, humming to myself. I didn't notice Harry until he spoke sending me flying into the air.
"Lou? What are you doing?" He asked.
"Harry you scared me!" I yelled hitting his chest.
"Sorry." He laughed. "You're chips are burnt."
"Shit!" I freaked lifting them up.
"Lou. Why are you cooking?" He asked shaking his head.
"I wanted you to rest Haz. Why are you awake? You only just went to sleep."
"That was like 4 hours ago babe." He chuckled. "Go and have a shower while I make dinner." He said taking over.
"No buts Lou go. I'll be done when you get back." He smiled and I gave in heading off to the shower. I'm going to learn to cook now that we're having a baby. I thought to myself.

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