Chapter Seven - Insecurities

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Ok guys, sorry if this chapter isn't good. I have no idea what to do next. :/ Please don't hate me!!! It's just a filler.

Louis' POV
After Harry passed out I had to take him to the hospital. It seems like he lives there now days. Even the nurses knew him! There was this one nurse who always came to make sure he was ok. Her name was Shaylee. She was so sweet.
"How's he going?" She asked checking his very big chart as he slept.
"Good. We really have to stop coming here." I sighed.
"What happened?"
"Some guy pushed him over at Nandos. He just fell over and didn't wake up. Some people weren't too happy about the baby."
"I heard about it all over Twitter. I'm sorry. Some of things they're saying are terrible. I just wanna bash them!" She snapped making me chuckle.
"I'm sure we can handle it. Simon was the one who pressured Harry into telling. I feel so bad for him. He can't help what happened. People are just dicks." I groaned.
"Tell me about it. They don't have to comment on it. They wouldn't like it if it was them." She sighed. I nodded.
"Lou?" Harry yawned.
"Hey babe. How you feeling?" I asked sitting next to him.
"Alright. When can we go home? I don't want to stay here anymore." He asked.
"Soon baby, I promise." I smiled. He nodded and closed his eyes again.
"Do you want anything Louis? Tea?" Shaylee asked.
"Yes please." I smiled, she smiled back and walked out.
"Hello Louis. What are you doing back here?" Harry's doctor asked coming into the room.
"Harry had an accident. He passed out." I explained.
"Oh my. Is he ok?"
"Yeah just a bump to the head, he'll be fine." I smiled and looked down at him. "This whole thing isn't going as planned."
"I heard. I'm sorry Louis. You two should be able to live the way you want. Some people just don't understand." She sighed and shook her head. Later that day Harry was released and was able to go home. Let's hope we won't be back there for a while.

Harry's POV
Month Four
"STUPID JEANS!" I yelled while trying to zip them up. They just wouldn't budge! "LOUIS!" I yelled louder.
"What is it Haz?" He asked popping his head in the door.
"My jeans won't fit." I pouted.
"I told you they wouldn't fit for much longer. You need new, bigger ones." He said trying not to laugh.
"Don't laugh at me! It's not funny!"
"I'm not laughing." He smirked.
"Lou!" I snapped.
"Ok, ok I'm sorry. Just put something on and we'll go shopping."
"I don't want bigger jeans. This isn't fair."
"Harry stop whining. This was going to happen eventually, you know that." He chuckled.
"I know but I didn't think it would happen so soon. I'm all pudgy." I sulked.
"No you're squishy." He giggled and hugged me.
"Too squishy."
"Come on Haz. Get changed and meet me downstairs in 5. And don't pout. It'll give you wrinkles." He chuckled and ran off. I laughed a bit and got changed, wandering downstairs. The doctor did tell me about getting bigger, which I understood but it sucks that I can't wear my jeans. I loved those things! I sulked over to Louis who was waiting at the door.
"Stop sulking Harold. You needed new jeans anyway." He laughed.
"You sound like my mother!" I snapped.
"Come on. Or you won't get a treat." He smirked. I slapped him before walking out the door, smirking myself. "Dick." He mumbled. We got into the car and he drove to Top Shop. My favourite place ever!
"Nothing here will fit me Louis." I sighed.
"Yes it will. They go up to extra large Harry."
"You think I'm an extra large!" I gasped. "I am not that fat!" I yelled offended.
"I didn't say that babe. I said that's the size they go up to. You are not an extra large." He chuckled.
"Damn straight!" I said seriously. He shook his head and we walked to the jeans.
"Here." He smiled handing me some.
"They're huge!"
"Go and try them Harry. They might look better on."
"I doubt it." I mumbled and walked to the change rooms. The jeans were surprisingly comfy, but I wasn't telling Louis that. You couldn't really tell I was 'pregnant' persay if you looked at me. I was more a bit chubby than fat. Although everyone knew now so I couldn't pass it off as not working out. Louis thought I was adorable but I didn't feel like that. I never, EVER took my shirt off or went swimming anymore. The boys all thought I was being stupid but they didn't have to look like that. Liam was solid for fuck sakes!
"Are you ok in there babe?" Louis yelled.
"Fine." I yelled back. I fixed up the jeans and walked out to him.
"They look great." He smiled. "Just like your old ones."
"I hate this Lou. I feel fat. I don't want new clothes. I want my old ones. Why does this have to happen to me?" I sighed.
"I know Haz. But your special, that's why. The baby is growing which is why you're getting a bit chubbier."
"More like huger!"
"Huger isn't a word." He chuckled.
"I don't care! I want this to be over already." I huffed.
"Well it can't. 5 more months babe. That's it. Just think about the baby and how amazing it will be to hold her."
"Or him, whatever. We can be a family." He smiled.
"Aw Lou." I smiled too and hugged him. "I guess the boys won't know they're bigger jeans if we don't say anything." I smirked.
"Of course not." He winked.
"Ok then. I should get two pairs." I laughed. Louis laughed too and we got another pair of the shelf. I got a few tops and some shoes before we paid and left. We had a show tonight so we had rehersals to go to aswell. Yay!

A few hours later we were just finishing rehersals and getting ready to start the show. All the fans were piling in and I was getting a tad nervous. The shirt I usually wore was a bit too tight.
"I haven't got a bigger size Haz, sorry." Lou sighed flipping through the clothes rack.
"Oh, that's ok. I can wear something else I guess." I sighed. Just when I was starting to feel a bit better about everything, this happens.
"I can try and make it bigger if you want?" She suggested.
"No it's ok. I'll just wear a t-shirt." She nodded.
"It'll be ok Harry. I'll get a bigger one for next time." She said hugging me.
"Thanks." I smiled slightly. She smiled back and left me to get changed.
"You ok babe?" Louis asked coming in.
"No. I'm too fat to wear anything anymore!" I yelled.
"It's ok Haz. The fans won't care about what you wear."
"But I do. I can't do anything right anymore."
"Don't say that. You're amazing Harry. Don't let something as silly as clothes make you think any less of yourself." He said seriously.
"I just don't feel like me anymore. I don't look like me. It's just strange."
"I know Haz. Let's just do the show, go home and eat ice cream." He suggested.
"Ok." I smiled. He smiled back and we went and done the show. It wasn't like usual but I'll get use to it. It's olnly going to get worse from now on.
Hi everyone, I know it was crap! I just had no idea what to do. Next chapter is finding out whether it's a boy or girl!!! I hope you like it. :)

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