Chapter Four - Management

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Harry's POV
"Get Rid Of It!"
"What?!" I sobbed. I couldn't be hearing him right could I? No. Simon wouldn't say that.
"Get rid of it!" He said again. This time not as harsh.
"NO!" Louis yelled. "No you can't say that!"
"You have to. This is no place for a baby. Especially this baby." He said glaring at me like I was a freak.
"I'm not getting rid of my baby! It's not it's fault. You can't make me!" I yelled defensively. I was now standing up angrily with Louis beside me supporting my back. Not that I needed it.
"Harry I know I cannot make you do this but I am telling you this won't be supported. Management will not stand for this and I'm sure the fans won't either." He growled.
"I don't care what they think. It's not their baby, it's mine!"
"Louis?" Simon asked. I looked at Louis.
"I can't believe you would say something like that. If anyone I thought you would be happy for us." He sighed clearly disappointed.
"This isn't normal. And you clearly don't see that!" Simon argued.
"That doesn't mean it shouldn't happen. We know this isn't what normally happens but we also know that our baby will be normal and grow up like any other child. Where is comes from isn't what's important." Louis said seriously.
"Lou. You really feel that way?" I asked.
"Of course. Our baby is special." He smiled. I smiled back and hugged him.
"Boys we are still discussing this. If you don't listen I'm going to have to take futher action. You boys are to be separated." He said seriously.
"What?" We both asked.
"No contact at all until Thursday's concert. Break it and you'll see what happens."
"No! You can't do that. That's not fair!" I protested. "Don't take Louis away from me!" I pleaded.
"I don't want to leave Harry. Not now." Louis said seriously and held my hand tightly. "Don't do this."
"I have no choice boys. Louis you should stay with Zayn and Harry can stay at home."
"Why are you doing this? The baby isn't hurting anyone." I sobbed.
"It's going to hurt you. I tried to help you but. You guys didn't want to listen. This is the easiest way." We ended up agreeing but not wanting too. I don't know what to do without Louis. I don't know what to do at all anymore.

Louis' POV
Thursday was a week away. A whole week! I can't leave Harry alone for that long. We'll he won't really be alone, Niall and Liam were staying over but it wasn't the same. A whole week. He needs me and I need him. Zayn was nice letting me stay, even if I did have to listen to him and Perrie all ewwy gooy.
"Guys please shut up! I know you're 'in love' but it's really annoying when I can't be with Harry." I sighed trying to stay calm.
"Right sorry Lou." Perrie said quietly.
"Sorry mate. I know you're missing him. You wanna call him?" Zayn asked handing me his phone.
"I can't. Besudes it would probably make him upset anyway." They nodded.
"How about we go out? I could use a drink?" Perrie smiled.
"Nah. You guys go. I just wanna stay in." I sighed.
"You sure?" Zayn asked. I nodded.
"Yeah. Have fun." I smiled.
"Ok." They smiled and left. I wish our lives were like that again. Going out and having fun. Soon it will be about rasing a baby. The truth is I can't wait. Everytime I see a baby I get all excited. I can't say the same for Harry though. He doesn't like to talk about it. He won't go shopping either. It makes me sad, I just want him to be happy. Speaking of happy, the only thing I wanna do is see him. What the hell! I got up and changed into some normal clothes before going to the car. Simon won't know if I see him once. I drove as fast as I could to the flat. I ran upstairs and knocked on the door.
"I'll get it!" I heard Liam yell. "Louis!" He yelled again seeing me. "What are you doing here?" He asked pushing me outside and shutting the door.
"I want to see Harry. Just for 5 minutes." I pleaded.
"You can't. He's asleep." Liam lied. I know he's lying.
"Don't lie to me! Just let me see him please! He's my boyfriend!" I yelled.
"Louis stop yelling. You know you can't see him." Liam sighed.
"Who's outside?" I heard Harry ask.
"Louis." Niall answered.
"Lou!" Harry yelled.
"Harry!" I yelled back. He opened the door quickly and smiled seeing me.
"Louis. I missed you." He sobbed. It had only been a few hours.
"I missed you too Haz." I smiled and hugged him. Thankfully Liam moved out of the way.
"You could get in trouble." Harry whispered.
"I know but that doesn't matter. I wanted to see you and make sure you were ok." I smiled and poked his nose making him giggle.
"I'm ok. A bit lonely. Niall and Liam are always together." He huffed.
"Sorry." Liam laughed.
"So are Zayn and Perrie." I laughed too. "Can I come in?" I asked. Harry nodded happily and led me inside.
"Hey Lou. You shouldn't be here." Niall said seriously.
"I know but I couldn't stay away." I chuckled. Harry led me upstairs and into our room. "What are you playing at Haz?" I smirked as he sat on the bed.
"Nothing." He winked. "I've just been thinking." He sighed and lied back.
"About what?" I asked joining him.
"Everything. Like where we are going to put the baby's room. And how much stuff we're going to need. I think we'll need a lot." I laughed making him look at me. "What?" He asked.
"Nothing. You're just finally getting into the baby stuff. It's actually...kinda hot."
"Ooh really?" He smirked.
"Yep." I smiled. He sat up and straddled me, kissing me sweetly.
"Well I think you're hot." He winked and kissed me again. I pulled him closer to me trying not to leave any space between us. Simon can't stop us being together. He can't stop us from having a baby. He can't stop anything.

Harry's POV
*3 weeks later*
Simon found out about mine and Louis' 'night of passion' as Niall liked to call it. He extended everything longer and now I can't see him until later today at the doctor's office. This sucks! He shouldn't be able to do this to us. Right now I was eating breakfast with Niall and Liam, who seem to never leave.
"Guys I know you're worried about me but I'm fine now. You should go. Have fun, do stuff together." I sighed.
"No we're fine here." Niall said finishing his food.
"But I'm not. I am so grateful you guys are being so nice but I need a break. No offence or anything."
"We understand Harry. We'll go while you hang out." Liam smiled, and pulled Niall away. A few minutes later they left. I felt bad but was grateful for the silence. It hasn't been the same here with Lou gone. It's quiet and I don't like it. I can't sleep very well either. I wish he was here. But I do get to see him soon. I'm so excited! After I finished my breakfast I changed and decided to go for a walk to pass the time until this afternoon. I was just wandering down the road when some fans noticed me and ran over. Great! I thought sarcastically.
"Hi Harry." They giggled.
"Hey." I smiled trying to be happy.
"Where's Louis been?" One asked causing me to stop.
"We've been taking a break for a a bit." I answered. We weren't taking a break!
"Oh. Are you guys ok?" Another girl asked. She sounded concerned.
"Yep. We'll be back together in no time." I smiled. I checked my watch and saw it was 12:30. Only 1 hour until the appointment.
"That's good. Larry Stylinson is like my favourite bromance." The first girl giggled again.
"Mine too." I chuckled making them laugh and blush. "Well I need to get going. Schedule and all."
"Right. Bye Harry." They yelled as I walked off. Thank god that's over. I kept walking until I made it to the doctor's office. I was early but had nothing else to do. 15 minutes later Louis arrived.
"LOU!" I yelled hugging him tightly.
"Hey Haz. I've missed you!" He sniffed, like he was crying.
"I've missed you too." I said pulling away. He was crying. "What's wrong?" I asked seriously.
"Oh nothing. I just couldn't wait to see you today. But there is one thing." He trailed off.
"What is it?" I asked again as he played with my fingers.
"Simon's coming." He mumbled.
"WHAT!" I yelled making everyone stare at us. "What the fuck does he want now?!"
"Ssh babe. He wants to supervise. I tried to stop him but he wouldn't take no for an answer. I'm sorry." He sighed.
"Lou it's not your fault. He is just being a jerk now! I can't believe he has to supervise us." I groaned. And just then he walked in himself. I glared at him as he waltzed over. Fucking cunt!
"Ah boys. Having fun catching up?" He smirked.
"You have no right to be here Simon! This is for me and Louis!" I snapped.
"I have every right to be here Harry. Louis asked me to come."
"I DID NOT!" Louis yelled. "I didn't."
"I know Lou." I glared at Simon more making him smirk.
"Harry, oh. We're ready." My doctor smiled. I smiled back and took Louis' hand leading him into the room. Simon followed behind us and shut the door. "Well, for starters how have you been Harry? I know you we're quite sick earlier." She asked as I sat on the bed.
"Better. Still sick sometimes but that's ok." I answered.
"Have you been under any stress? That can be bad for the baby's health."
"Yes I have. Louis hasn't been around and I have bad anxiety." I answered truthfully.
"You do?" Louis asked. I nodded.
"Why haven't you been there Louis? If you don't mind me asking." She asked again.
"Him! He won't let us be together!" He yelled pointing at Simon. "I would always be there if he wasn't such a dick!"
"Hm. I'm just going to take a blood sample now Harry." She said ignoring what happened. I nodded as she got out the needle and stuck it in my arm. It stung as she took some of my blood. "Now. You are coming along nicely." She smiled.
"I hope so. I haven't been as bad lately." I sighed nervously.
"Well to find out how the baby is going I'll have to do a quick ultrasound." She said getting everything set up. I glared at Simon again as he sat tapping away at his phone. I hated him! What he was doing was wrong and I hated everything about it.
"Lou, are you coming home tonight?" I asked quietly getting Simon's attention.
"I sure am babe. I can't wait." He smiled and kissed me sweetly.
"I love you." I smiled back.
"I love you too." He smiled again.
"Ok then. Shall we get started?" She asked.
"Yep." I let out a breath before rasing my shirt a bit.
"You know the drill." The doctor laughed. I nodded as she squirted the gel onto my small belly. She moved the wand around and found the baby. "There it is. All nice and healthy." She smiled.
"Thank god!" I sighed relieved.
"Everything's normal?" Louis questioned.
"Yep. You boys have one healthy baby." She smiled again. The results of my blood test came back good and she printed off a baby photo for us.
"Boys I am sorry for being such a jerk these last few weeks." Simon sighed as we were leaving. "I can see now this baby is a miracle and should be celebrated. Congrats." He smiled and walked off.
"Did that just happen?" I asked.
"It did. We're a family again." Louis laughed.
"We are. Just the way it's meant to be." I smiled and kissed his cheek. I loved my little family.

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