Chapter Eleven - Months

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Month One

Harry’s POV

It’s been a month since Louis left. A whole month and I still can’t let it go. I need him to come back soon, seeing him on Skype isn’t the same. I feel like everything’s moved around me and I’m stuck in the same place. Without Louis. I was currently lying in bed, like I do most days now. It was 2 pm and I didn’t bother getting up. No one needed me, so what’s the point?

“Harry, are you getting up today?” Kim asked through the door. She’s been good since Lou left but gets easily distracted my Josh.

“No.” I mumbled. I didn’t want to leave the bed.

“Don’t you have a doctor’s appointment today?” She questioned. FUCK! I totally forgot about that.

“Maybe.” I answered.

“Haz come on get up. I can take you if you need me to. Just get up please! I promised Louis I’d take care of you.” She sighed.

“Fine. I’m not happy about this though.” I groaned and got up. It was freezing! I got changed into something nice and opened the door. She smiled widely and hugged me.

“There you go. That wasn’t so hard was it?” She laughed.

“Don’t push it.” I murmured and walked past her.

“Ok then.” She said quietly, following me to the kitchen.

“Hey Lola.” I smiled picking up the kitten. She meowed and jumped from my arms to the counter. “Not having a good day either hey?” I smiled again.

“When’s you’re appointment?” Kim asked checking her phone.

“3.” I answered. I didn’t want to go to the doctor. I know the baby’s fine. She was moving last night and had the hiccups the night before.

“Ok. You want something to eat first?” She questioned.

“I can get my own food you know!” I snapped making her jump.

“I know I was just asking. Maybe you wanted to stop on the way.” She sighed. I know she was fed up with my attitude but I didn’t care.

“Whatever.” I groaned and walked off. I didn’t need her babysitting me. Louis’ already done that enough. I want him back home so he can come with me, instead of me going to with Kim. Not that she isn’t nice. I like her but she’s just not Louis. No one can replace him.

At 2:45 we left for the doctor’s. It was awkward in the car. We had no idea what to say to each other. I didn’t want things being awkward.

“So, have you felt her move yet?” Kim asked quietly.

“Yeah. Last night she was moving around, but she hasn’t kicked yet.”

“Maybe she’s waiting for Louis to come home.” She laughed.

“Maybe.” I said quietly, not wanting to continue the conversation. She caught on and we were silent again. I got out my phone and texted Louis. I hope he’ll answer me back. The drive was slow and awkward as the traffic banked up like usual. This is why I never leave the house. Finally 10 minutes later we made it to the hospital on time. Kim waited with me while the doctor was busy with another patient. As we were waiting Louis texted me back. ‘Hi baby, I wish I was there for your appointment. I miss you. Call me when you’re finished. Love you Haz. Xx’ I smiled slightly and typed back a reply. ‘I wish you were here too to see our baby. She’s really big now. I miss you too babe. Call you later. I love you more!’ I sighed and put my phone away in my pocket just as the doctor came out of her office.

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