Chapter Three - Everything's Ok?

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Louis’ POV
I woke up hearing Harry being sick. Again. That was the fourth time this week he was sick. I felt so bad for him. I sighed before getting up and walking to the bathroom. He was lying on the floor, rubbing small circles on his stomach.
“You ok baby?” I asked sitting beside him.
“No Lou. I feel bad.” He sighed sitting up and leaning his head on my shoulder. “Really bad.” He sniffed like he was crying.
“I know you do Haz. I wish you weren’t. I wish I could help.” I sighed too. “Those pills are supposed to help though.”
“Well they don’t. In fact I think they make it worse. If that’s even possible. Why can’t you be the pregnant one!” He groaned.
“Because I’m not as special as you.” I smiled and poked his nose making him blush. “The doctor said it should stop around month 5.” I explained.
“5!” Harry yelled. “That’s still 3 months away.” He whined. “I can’t take-“ He cut himself off.
“Can’t take what?” I asked. Before he could answer he was vomiting again. I rubbed his back and made sure he was ok. “You want a cloth?” I asked. He nodded and fell back onto the ground. I wet a wash cloth and held it to his forehead.
“Thanks Lou. Maybe I should see the doctor? Those pills aren’t helping.” He groaned.
“Are you sure? I mean this is normal right?” I asked.
“Yes Louis but I am not meant for this. I want it to be over already. Just please make an appointment!” He begged. I nodded. I could tell he wasn’t enjoying this at all.
“Ok. You’ll be right here alone?” I asked.
“Yeah. I’m having a shower first.” He groaned getting up off the floor.
“Alright. I’ll make an appointment for later today?” He nodded. “Call out if you need anything alright?”
“Yes Lou. Go make the call. Please.” I nodded and wandered downstairs. No one was home. There was a note on the kitchen table.
“Boys, Robin and I have gone out for the day and Gemma is at Uni. Help yourself to anything. We’ll be back tomorrow morning. Mum xx” Aw. I smiled to myself before using the house phone to call the doctor. I made Harry an appointment for 12:30 before making some tea. Hopefully that will help settle his stomach. A few minutes later I heard him turn the water off. There was a crash and groaning. I sprinted upstairs as fast as I could and found Harry on the floor.
“Babe! Are you ok?” I panicked. He whimpered and shook his head.
“It hurts.” He sobbed.
“What happened?” I asked, holding him tightly.
“I feel dizzy. I tripped. I-I…” He stuttered.
“Ssh it’s ok. You’re really warm.” I said feeling his forehead. “Do you feel hot?” I asked.
“I feel bad. Like I wanna go to sleep and not get up.” He mumbled. “Maybe I should.”
“No! No! Harry stay awake. I’m going to take you to the hospital.” I said seriously and helped him stand up.
“No! It hurts.” He groaned clutching his stomach. My thoughts immediately went to the baby. Was it ok?
“Come on Harry. We need to go before something bad happens.” I pleaded trying to get him to walk. “Please!”
“But it hurts Lou. Really, really bad.” He cried. He looked terrible. Like something really bad was happening to him. I was scared that if I didn’t get him there he wouldn’t make it. I thought if he wouldn’t go I would make him. I called an ambulance and helped him downstairs. “Help me!” He groaned lying on the couch. I couldn’t help him. I had no idea what was wrong with him.
“You’ll be ok baby. Just stay calm. The ambulance is coming for you.” I told him pushing the sweaty hair out of his face. “Just hold on a little longer. For me.”
“But the baby…Lou. What if it’s gone?” He sobbed. “I’m scared.”
“It’s ok Haz. Everything’s going to be ok. I promise.” By now I was crying too. I just wanted them both to be ok. Harry was quiet after that, he just lied there crying thinking it was gone. I tried to stay positive but…
5 minutes later the ambulance came and Harry was taken to the hospital. I didn’t go straight away because I thought I should call Anne. Her and Robin were in London and couldn’t come straight away. I drove myself to the hospital. I thought about what I would say if the baby was gone. ‘Everything will be ok? It’s not your fault?’ I had no idea. Once I got there I asked about Harry and they gave me his room number. Time to face the music.

Harry’s POV
I was scared. No, I was more than scared, I was fucking terrified! What was happening to me? It all started with being sick and turned into unbearable pain. Was this what it was like for women? Surely not. The doctors said they didn’t know what was wrong with me or if the baby was ok, but would know soon. I don’t know what I would do if it was gone. We didn’t even know the sex, or have even seen it yet. It just can’t be gone. I don’t know what I would say to Lou. I would feel worse than I already did knowing it was my fault. Would he blame me? I was worried that he would. I was in my room for about half an hour before Louis came in.
“Hey.” He smiled a bit. He looked stressed.
“Hi.” I said quietly.
“Are you alright?” He asked coming over to me. He grabbed my hand, making me smile.
“I think so. It doesn’t hurt anymore. But I don’t know about the baby.” I sighed. “It could be gone and I don’t even know.”
“Hey if something’s happened don’t blame yourself. Stuff like that happens all the time.”
“But not to me. I should be able to keep my baby safe. If I can’t then…” I couldn’t finish. “What’s the point?”
“Don’t say things like that Harry. The baby is going to be fine and so are you.” Louis said seriously.
“I doubt it.” I mumbled. He didn’t hear me though which was good. We sat in silence after that. Me praying things were ok. I don’t want to lose it. I want to have a baby. I’m actually really excited.
“Harry?” The doctor said coming in.
“Um hi.” I smiled relived to finally see someone. “Do you have some news?” I asked.
“I do. Your blood work came back and you seem to have had a reaction to your medication. That’s what was causing the pain.” He explained.
“What about my baby? Is it ok?” I questioned. Louis was still holding my hand but tighter than usual.
“We still don’t know. I have to do an ultrasound. Is that ok?” He asked. I nodded. I could finally see it. If it was still there that is. He left the room for a minute and returned with the equipment he needed. “The gel might be a bit cold.” He smiled squirting it onto my belly. It was VERY cold! Once that was done he started moving the wandy thing around trying to find the baby. It was a while before he finally found something. “Ah, there’s your baby.” He smiled again.
“It’s there?” I asked quickly.
“Yes it is. It’s very small but there. Perfectly, perfect.” He chuckled.
“Lou, our baby’s still there. It’s not gone.” I smiled, crying but happy crying.
“I know babe. See I told you it was ok.” He smiled back.
“I was just a bit worried because I was so sick that’s all.” I said a bit embarrassed.
“You’re too cute.” He giggled and kissed me. I kissed him back passionately. It’s been too long since we were happy.
“Um fellas?” The doctor laughed.
“Oh, sorry.” I blushed. “We’re just relieved.”
“It’s fine. I have prescribed you with different medication that should help with your morning sickness.”
“Ok good because I don’t know how much more I can take.” I sighed.
“It’s going to be a while yet babe” Louis chuckled.
“It is. I have made an appointment with your doctor for 3 weeks time. Make sure you rest Harry. It’s important for you and the baby.” He said seriously. I nodded even though it’s going to be hard. Rest when we have fans to keep happy? I don’t think so.
“I’ll make sure he doesn’t leave his bed.” Louis said seriously making us both laugh.
“I’m sure you will. Now if you have any questions, call. Good luck boys.” He smiled leaving the room.
“Wow. Well at least our baby is ok. We have something good to tell the boys.” I smiled.
“Hm, you’re mum is expecting a call from you.”
“Louis! You called my mother?!” I yelled.
“Yes. I was scared ok? Just call her.” He smiled. I glared at him and took his phone. He’s lucky he’s cute.

An hour or so later the doctor discharged me and I was able to go home. Thank god! We walked out the front of the hospital and immediately couldn’t see a thing. The paps were everywhere. Their cameras blinding us. I grabbed Louis hand and he pulled me towards his car.
“Get away!” He yelled at them. They yelled questions at us, wondering why we were there.
“What’s wrong with you Harry?! Are you ok?!”
“Leave him alone!” Louis yelled again. “Fuck off!” He lead me to the car and we hopped in. “I’m gonna fucking kill them!” He cursed.
“Babe it’s ok. I’m fine. As much as they annoy us it is their job.” I said softly.
“It’s their job to annoy us and almost knock you over?! Fucking idiots!”
“Lou stop it! Just breathe and calm down.” I said loudly. “Let’s just go please.” He nodded and started the car.
“Sorry about that. They just annoy me especially when they got that close to you. I didn’t want you to get hurt.”
“I know. Thanks babe.” I smiled. He smiled back and held my hand. Around halfway home I got a call from Simon. He was wondering why we were there too. “Um I just had to have a test done.” I answered.
“Well you need to see me first. I want to see you and Louis in my office by this afternoon.” He said sternly.
“Ok. We’ll be there soon.” I tried to sound enthusiastic but really I wasn’t. I know I can’t hide anything from Simon. He’s going to find out about the baby.
“Good.” That’s all he said before hanging up.
“What’s up?” Louis asked.
“Simon wants us in his office by this afternoon. I'm worried he's going to find out. I can't lie to someone like him." I sighed.
"Maybe we should just tell him. You did have to have tests done anyway. I'm sure he'll be happy for us." Louis smiled. I wasn't convinced. Sure Simon was a great manager, but he wasn't the sensitive type. He won't be happy.

Louis' POV
Harry was really quiet the whole way back to London. He was stressing about telling Simon. I was nervous but I'm sure he would be happy right? Yeah. I nodded to myself and looked at Harry. He was staring out the window.
"Hey. Are you ok?" I asked quietly. He nodded but didn't answer. "Everything will be ok babe. He can't stop us from having this baby." I said seriously.
"He can try." Harry mumbled.
"I know you're worried Harry but don't be. It's not like he can force you to...get rid of it."
"No but he can kick me out. Or both of us! He can make our lives hell." He cried.
"No he won't Haz. Simon's not like that."
"Oh really? Remember when we told him we wanted to be together? He tried to keep us apart for months Lou. I don't want that to happen again." He sighed.
"It won't. This is completely different. He can't stop this from happening. It's too late."
"I don't want to talk about it anymore. I'm going to sleep." Harry grumbled and dug out his headphones, sticking them in so he couldn't hear me. 'Real mature Harry.' I thought to myself. I guess this ride is going to be very lonely.

2 hours later we were in London and waiting to see Simon. Harry still hasn't spoken to me and was pacing the room.
"Harry calm down. It's going to be fine. He's probably already spoken to your mum." I sighed standing up.
"I don't care! I just want to run and hide." He groaned still pacing.
"Stop pacing!" I said sternly holding his shoulders.
"Stop it! Let me go!" He struggled.
"No! You need to calm down. Stop stressing out."
"It's easier for you Louis. You aren't the one who has to deal with all of this! You're the normal one. I'm the freak!" He yelled stepping away from me.
"You aren't a freak Harry. You're special. That's amazing." I smiled.
"You wouldn't be saying that if you were the pregnant one!' He snapped quietly.
"BOYS!" We heard Simon yell.
"Fuck!" Harry panicked.
"C'mon babe. It'll be fine." I said tugging his arm. He reluctantly followed me into Simon's office and closed the door behind him.
"Sit down." He said sternly. We nodded and sat infront of his desk. I tried to hold Harry's hand but he pulled away. Ouch! That hurt. "Now. The reason I have asked you both to come today is I saw on the news your little stunt at the hospital."
"Stunt?" Harry questioned raising his eyebrows.
"Why were you at the hospital?" He asked.
"I was sick. I told you I needed a blood test." Harry answered quietly.
"What for?" Simon asked again firmly.
"Haz." I said quietly looking at him. He looked at me and I nodded. He nodded too and took a deep breath.
"I'm pregnant." He said quickly. His eyes were closed. This time he held my hand tightly.
"You're what?" Simon questioned. He looked amused like he thought he was kidding.
"I'm pregnant, like with a baby." He explained.
"Boys this is serious. Stop messing around."
"I'm not! Why would I lie about something like that!" Harry yelled getting upset.
"He's not lying Simon. The doctor told us a few days ago." I said seriously.
"Really? You're actually pregnant?" Simon questioned.
"Yes." Harry answered quietly. Simon paused for a while thinking about what we just said. His next words shocked me and sent Harry into sobs.
"Get Rid Of It!"

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