Chapter Five - Shopping

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Louis' POV
The day after Harry's appointment we decided on going shopping for the baby. Now that we know it's ok. Harry was actually really excited about it which was good. We were going to make the spare/guest room the nursery.
"Babe are you coming or what?!" Harry yelled at me from downstairs.
"Yes, just give me a second!" I yelled back. I fixed my hair and made sure I looked nice before going down to him.
"About time Lou. The shops are going to open soon."
"Babe why does it matter?" I asked wandering over to put on my shoes.
"Because, if we get there early we can beat everyone to the good stuff." He smiled proudly.
"Harry it's not a race. The stuff will still be there later." I chuckled.
"Shut up! Come on hurry up!" He whined.
"Alright, calm down." I groaned. I finished with my shoes and Harry practically dragged me out the door and into the car. "You can be so pushy sometimes you know that?" I sighed as he drove down the street.
"I know." He winked. I shook my head and turned up the radio. 'Small Bump' By Ed was playing. We both started singing along. "What if this is our baby Lou? What if it doesn't make it?" He asked suddenly.
"It won't Haz. The doctor said that the baby is healthy." I said seriously.
"But it could you know."
"Harry don't stress about it kay? That won't help anyone." I said holding his hand. He nodded and continued driving. 10 minutes later we arrived at the first shop. 'Babies R Us' of course.
"Ok so what do we need?" Harry asked as we wandered around not knowing anything.
"Uh crib?" I answered.
"Right." He nodded and lead me over to the crib section. We had no idea what we were looking for.
"Excuse me sirs? Would you like some help?" A nice young woman asked.
"Yes please." I smiled at her.
"No! We're fine." Harry said stubbornly.
"Harry we have no idea what we need. Just let her help." He huffed but nodded.
"Well is this your first baby, or are you buying for a friend?" She asked again.
"It's our first baby." I smiled proudly.
"Well then you're going to need a crib, change table, feeding chair, drawers..." She kept rambling on all this stuff we had no idea we needed. I have a feeling this is going to be one expensive shopping trip.

Harry's POV
The young woman who helped us was actually very nice and knew a lot about babies. We ended up buying loads of stuff that we then had to get home and set up. We brought a crib, changing table, a rocking chair and some other things. They all matched and looked so adorable at the store. I hope they looked alright at home.
"Thanks for helping us Li." I smiled as Liam piled some boxes into his car.
"No problem Haz. So have you brought everything?" He asked.
"Nope not yet. Just what we need for now. Where's Lou?" I asked looking around for him.
"With some fans that spotted you guys I think." He answered.
"Oh ok." I nodded. We finished packing the car and Lou finally came over.
"Right when the heavy lifting is done." Liam laughed.
"Sorry this chick wouldn't stop telling me how cute we are." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled softly. I don't know what came over me but suddenly I was upset over nothing. "You ok?" Louis asked concerned.
"Yep, just a bit hungry. We should get some lunch before any more shopping."
"Yep sounds good. You wanna come Li?"
"Oh no you guys go. I'll just drop this stuff off using my key." He smiled.
"Alright then. Thanks again Liam." I smiled and hugged him.
"It's fine guys. Have fun shopping the day away." He laughed and got in the car, driving away.
"Are you sure you're ok Haz? You're acting strange."
"I'm fine." I answered quietly. He didn't ask again after that, even though I knew he wasn't convinced. I drove downtown to Nandos and we got some food. We ate in silence. I wonder what was up with me?
"Harry please tell me what's wrong! I'm worried that I've done something wrong."
"It's not you Lou, I'm just upset. I don't even know why. It just happened when you were talking to that girl. I got...jealous. Like she wanted you and you would want her back and forget ab0ut me." I rambled looking embarrassed.
"What? Harry I would never like her, ok that sounds mean, but I love you not her. I love our fans but not like that." He sighed.
"I know you don't. It's just the baby talking." I laughed. He nodded and kissed my cheek. "And Lou?"
"Yeah babe?"
"I love you too." I giggled.
"I know." He laughed and kissed me fully. I know he loves me too. That's all I need.

Louis' POV
After our lunch break Harry wanted to keep shopping. I didn't think we had anything left to buy, boy I was wrong.
"Do we really need all this stuff?" I asked as Harry piled it all in the shopping cart.
"Yes Lou. It's all essential. It says so on this website." He answered scrolling through his phone.
"If you say so." I sighed. He nodded happily and added something else. I chuckled to myself and followed him around the store pushing the cart. Suddeny we heard screaming and lots of it.
"What was that?" Harry asked.
"I don't know." I answered. We walked to the from of the store and noticed that the fans were everywhere. Shit!
"Uh oh. Maybe we shouldn't have came here today." He said quietly.
"Hm. Excuse me, um do you have a back exit?" I asked a woman. She nodded.
"But you can't use it."
"Please! It's really important. We need to leave and I'm sick so I won't make it out there..." Harry rambled.
"Please!" I pleaded. She sighed and took us out the back after we paid for the stuff.
"Thank you." Harry smiled.
"You're welcome boys and congrats on your baby." She winked and walked inside.
"Thank you." I said quietly. "Come on babe. Let's get this stuff and you home. You haven't rested all day."
"Lou I'm fine. But let's go anyway. I can't wait to set the furniture up." He giggled. I laughed but nodded. I know I'll set everything up while he decorates. He's so gay! Hehe.
"Ok then." I sighed.
"Thanks babe." He smiled and kissed my cheek. We put everything in the car and drove off without the fans noticing. It was mean I know but Harry needed to get home. Once we were home and everything was in the room I started unpacking boxes and putting furniture together. It took a long 5 hours but finally everything was up. "Ok move that over there." Harry directed.
"Babe can we stop. I'm so tired." I groaned.
"No. It needs to be perfect so when everyone comes we can show them." He smiled.
"You do it then." I mumbled.
"Fine I will!" He snapped.
"Haz I'm kidding. I'll finish and then we are going to bed."
"Fine!" He huffed. I chuckled and did what I was told until everything was in the right spot. "there! you see Lou, now it's perfect." He smiled and hugged me. "Our baby will love it!"
"I can't wait to meet her." I smiled.
"Or him." He added.
"Or him." I laughed.
"I love you." I smiled again and kissed him.
"I love you too Lou." He smiled back. We left the room and wandered to our bedroom. "Night baby." Harry mumbled almost immediately falling asleep.
"Night Haz." I whispered back and kissed his temple.

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