Chapter Eight - Boy or Girl?

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Louis' POV
Today Harry was having another appointment at the doctors. It was more to check up on the baby and make sure it was the right size and everything. I hope it is. I was so excited to see the baby again and so was Harry. He was hoping it was a girl so she'll be 'a daddy's girl.' According to him she would be spoilt. I tried to tell him that it could be a boy but he had his heart set on a girl.
"Does this look ok Lou?" He asked coming downstairs. He was just in some shorts and a shirt.
"Uh yeah. You look normal." I answered.
"Good, normal was what I was aiming for." He smiled and grabbed some grapes from the fridge.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because. Normal is good." He nodded.
"You're so weird Harry." I sighed shaking my head.
"Hey that's not fair. You call me weird, you call the baby weird too." He smirked.
"Fine, you're...unusual." I smirked back.
"You're a jerk!"
"I'm a sexy jerk though right?" I winked.
"Nope." He said seriously walking off.
"Harry!" I yelled following him. He grabbed me and kissed me passionately.
"Of course you're a sexy jerk." He smiled. "And I love you."
"Aw. I love you too. Both of you." I smiled too kissing him back.
"You know, we could go and..." He whispered sexily in my ear.
"Really?" He nodded smiling widely. "Are you sure you're up to it?"
"I wouldn't have mentioned it if I wasn't Louis." He sighed and walked back to the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" I yelled after him.
"You obviously don't want to so there's no point."
"I didn't say that Harry."
"Well you didn't jump to say yes. You never want to do anything fun anymore. It's always 'take care of Harry, we don't want him to get tired' I can handle myself!" He yelled.
"I just want to make sure you're ok. Is that a crime?!" I snapped. What was his problem?
"Louis you're my boyfriend, not my babysitter. Act like it for once." He sighed and stormed upstairs. I just want to protect him. I love him.

Harry's POV
I don't know why I got so worked up with Louis but him babying me was just pissing me off! I know I have to be a bit more careful now but I'm not a little kid. I know when to rest and sit down. It's like he wants to boss me around all the time. I just want my boyfriend back. I didn't go back downstairs until we were about to leave for the doctor's. Things were awkward. I felt bad but I just had to tell him.
"You ready?" He asked quietly.
"Yeah." I answered, nodding not looking at him.
"I'm sorry if I made you upset. If it means anything, I did want to." He sighed and walked off. I sighed and followed him to the car. The ride to the doctor's was silent. No one said anything.
"I'm sorry too." I said quietly as we pulled up outside. "I didn't mean to yell, I just wanted you to know how I felt. I want to do fun things with you Louis. Have fun and muck around like we used to do."
"I just want to protect you now that we're having a baby. I don't want anything to happen to you or it. I didn't mean to take it too far. I won't do it anymore then." He mumbled.
"No!" I said quickly. "It's really sweet that you care so much. Just maybe not so much?"
"Ok. I'll try and calm down a bit." He laughed.
"Ok. So are we ok?" I asked. He pondered it for a bit while smirking.
"Of course!" He smiled. I smiled back and we hopped out of the car. We held hands as we walked in and waited for the doctor.
"Hello again Harry, Louis. C'mon in." She smiled coming out of her office. We smiled back and followed her in, Louis closing the door behind him. "So how have you been?" She asked.
"Great. Getting used to being chubby." I laughed.
"Well that's going to happen whether you like it or not." She laughed too.
"Trust me I know."
"So have you felt the baby move yet?" She questioned.
"No not yet."
"I swear I did the othe night." Louis butted in.
"Lou, it was nothing. He didn't feel anything." I laughed.
"Yes I did!" He protested.
"Ok then. Why don't you hop up on the bed and we have a look?" She smiled. I nodded and did what I was told. "So, you are now far alone enough to know the sex, would you like to know?" She asked. Louis and I looked at each other.
"Yes!" He smiled excitedly.
"Yes." I agreed. She nodded and started the ulstrasound.
"So there is the baby's hand, feet and head." She said pointing at the parts.
"Aw!" We both cooed.
"And there is the baby's heart." She smiled. You could actually see it beating. It was so tiny.
"Is the baby too small?" I asked nervously.
"Too small?" She questioned.
"Yeah. Like woman who have babies are much bigger than me. I'm worried it's too small." I explained.
"That baby is the perfect size Harry. She will get much bigger by the time you deliver."
"She?" Louis questioned. "It's a she?"
"Woops. Yes. You're having a baby girl." She smiled.
"A girl? Yes! I told you." I bragged.
"Mother's instinct." He mumbled.
"Oh I heard that!" I gasped. "You're a jerk!"
"Don't start this again." He laughed. I smirked and he eaned down to kiss me. "I love you so much Harry, and our baby girl." He smiled.
"I love you too Lou. And her." I smiled back.
"Would you boys like a picture?" The doctor asked. We both nodded and she laughed but sent a picture to the printer. "I'll be back. Use this to wipe off the gel." She said handing me a cloth. I took it as she walked out.
"I can't believe we're having a girl." Louis sighed happily as I sat up.
"I know. We can but pink things. Gemma will be so happy about that." I laughed.
"I know. Um Kim kinda called me last night. Is it ok if she stays with us?" Louis asked quietly. Kim was his half-sister. His dad had a baby with someone else. They have gotten really close over the past few years.
"Of course she can Lou. We can always move things out of the nursery and put the bed back." I smiled.
"Or we could move houses?"
"What?" I asked shocked.
"There's this really nice house that I saw not far from the flat. It's big enough for both or us, the baby and guests. Please!!" He pleaded.
"Louis I haven't even seen the place. I'm not going to let you buy a house without looking at it." I said seriously.
"Then let's go and see it. It's not that far from here." He smiled. "Please Hazza!" He pouted.
"Is it really expensive?" I asked.
"Nope. It's really cheap. Please!"
"Oh fine!" I gave in.
"Yay! Thanks babe. You won't regret it." He smiled.

So after the doctor's Louis drove to this house he loved. He wasn't wrong it was perfect. It wasn't too big or too small and had heaps of rooms. The problem was it was WAY too expensive!
"Lou there's no way we can afford this." I sighed.
"Uh Harry, we're famous. We can afford it."
"Don't be a jerk. We can't. This is like almost all of our bank accounts."
"No, it's all of MY banik account. I wanna buy it." He smiled.
"You can't buy it alone. No uh uh." I shook my head.
"Too late. I already made an offer." He smirked.
"Louis William Tomlinson! Why?" I yelled.
"Because they had another buyer. Haz I want this to be our family home, and when the baby grows up it can be hers too. This is perfect for us. It's our home now." He smiled and hugged me.
"But what about all the money?" I asked.
"I don't need money to be happy Harry, I only need you." He smiled again and kissed me.
"Aw Lou. You're going to make me cry." I laughed. So Louis brought the house and Kim was coming to stay. We were having a girl too. I don't know how life can get any better.

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