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"I'm so proud of my little sis getting into Beacon with me! I wonder who our roommates will be." Yang practically yelled at the entrance of Beacon. Ruby was very excited to be starting collage early but really nervous because she is younger then everyone else.

"Yeah yeah you have said this a thousand times but I am wondering who-" Ruby was cut off when she ran into someone. She fell on the ground rubbing her head because she hit it on the concrete.

"Hey watch where you are going you made me drop all my stuff!" The white-haired girl yelled. Ruby started starring when she started talking again.

"Hello? You made me drop all my stuff! Also how did some little girl like you get into Beacon?!" She started yelling again making Ruby realize what happened when Yang cut in.

"Hey, don't talk to my sister like that! She deserves to be here just as much as all of us do."

"Look just don't talk me again and we will be good. You got that?" The white haired girl said obviously very annoying with Yang and Ruby. Great start.

"Hey look, there is no need to be-" before Ruby could finished she walked off.

Yang started to speak, "Hey Ruby just ignore her. Let's go find our dorms!"

They went to get their room numbers and it looks like they were only a few dorms away.

"Bye Yang! I'm going to unpack" and with that they parted ways.

Ruby unlocked her door, and then she saw they same girl from this morning sadly.

"Uhhhhhhh" Ruby really just wanted anyone but her, but she was trying to compromise.

"Hey um I'm sorry about this morning! But I'm sure we can be friends we just started off on the wrong foot so let's start over. I'm Ruby Rose it is nice to meet you!" She said with a smile as she extended her hand.

"I guess sense we are roommates. I'm Weiss Schnee. I guess I'm sorry about earlier, we should start unpacking." Weiss said in a low voice wishing she didn't have to talk to this girl again, she just didn't want things to be complicated.

They started unpacking and it turns out there is one bedroom with two beds. Weiss was upset about it but she remained calm.

Once they were done they went to the entrance ceremony and sat with Yang and her roommate Blake. Blake seemed like a cool chill person so Ruby was happy for her sister. She was still kinda upset that she had to share a room with Weiss, but she was going to make to best of it and hopefully Weiss would be a little nicer too.

They ceremony was over and they headed back to their doors going to bed, excited for tomorrow for their first day at Beacon academy.

A/N: Hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter I will try to update when I can >.<

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