More scars

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Third person pov


"Alright Sun there is someone waiting for you outside." Ruby said. Now everyone one was confused besides Ruby, yang, Blake, Weiss, and of course Hanji. Weiss grabbed Sun's hand and opened the door to reveal Neptune, and they both started blushing while Yang started laughing.

"Alright you two I believe Neptune needs to say something to you Sun." Blake said as she pushed them out the door. As all of this was going on Ruby escaped to the bathroom thinking about all the previous events. Like how she told Weiss about Adam. After all that she fell into a state of depression but didn't let it show. She pulled up her sleeve to reveal scars that she gave her self years ago when she was depressed or mad or sad mostly because of the whole Adam situation that she was going though. Am I really going to go back to my old habits? Ruby thought. She took out a blade and put it on her skin. She was so tempted. But then she thought screw it. She ran the blade across her skin and blood started oozing out. She gave her self a few more cuts and she bit her lip trying to refrain from making any noise from the pain of the blade. But yet the pain made it somehow better it made her forget those terrible moments when the blade just ran across her skin. And that's all she had to do.

She quickly bandaged up her cuts and went back out to the others.

"Hey guys what did I miss!" She said in her always happy tone with a fake smile. Yang saw through it of course because Ruby is her sister and it's Yang after all.

"Well Neptune just asked out Sun and he said yes!" Weiss squealed.

"That's great!" Ruby was still smiling but Yang was still trying to figure out what was wrong with Ruby.

Yang pulled Ruby aside. "Ruby what's wrong? Where did you go? Are you okay?" Yang asked she had so many questions. She was able to see through her after the whole Adam situation.

"Yeah Yang, I'm fine I'm just not feeling that well right now." She lied.

"Okay Ruby, but if you need anything get me and get some rest." Yang was still not convinced.

Yang then walked away from Ruby to Weiss telling Weiss she thinks something is wrong with Ruby so she can keep an eye on her.

When all this was over everyone went back to their dorms. Ruby was nervous not wanted Weiss to find out about her scars that she just made in her arms.

Ruby noticed Weiss kept glancing at her and checking on her. 'Does she know I cut myself in there?' 'Does she sense somethings wrong with me?' She thought.

"Hey Ruby is everything okay?" Weiss question. She wanted Ruby to be happy and finally okay but things just haunt people for years or maybe their whole lives.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." Ruby replied with another one of her fake smiles. Ruby was always known for being the happy energetic one and she did not want to change that and drag people down with her problems.

"Okay...but if anything is going on, tell me. I'm always here for you. I hope you know that." Weiss said. Ruby just nodded.

For the rest of the day they Ruby and Weiss did not really speak that much to each other. Weiss was still watching Ruby's every move making sure she was fine or if she did anything different and trying to find out what was wrong with her. Ruby noticed this still and was still worried about her finding out her secret that she is hoping no one is going to find out. 

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