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Third person pov

"W-Weiss, I really like you. A lot, and not in a friend way. In a romantic way, I know you probably don't feel the same b-but, I'm sorry."
Ruby was crying and next thing well she was running.

Weiss' pov

"Ruby wait! Please!" I yelled. I think I might like her also. My heart always starts beating faster when I'm around her or when she touches me. I think I only liked Neptune because of his looks and I overlooked Ruby just because she's a girl. I need to find her.

First I checked in our dorm and she wasn't there and I've been looking around campus for and hour. Maybe she went back to the dorm.

Open up the door and go into our room and she is asleep with her cheeks stained with tears.

"Ruby, wake up!" I said, then she woke up.

"I'm so sorry Weiss I understand if you do-"
Ruby's cheeks were always red when she was around me. How did I not catch on that she had feelings for me? I decided to talk.

"Ruby, shhhhhh its okay but before you go back to sleep." I kissed her.

"O-okay, see you in the morning!"she replied

I laughed "Good night." I said before kissing her head.

A/N: sorry it was short! The next one will be longer ^.^

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