The Night of the Dance

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Third person pov

Everyone went back to their dorms to get ready, Ruby just wanted to stay home and play video games but she already bought a dress anyway. Weiss was really excited because of Neptune, and it turns out Blake asked Yang and she said yes. Pyrra and Jaune are going together, and Ren and Nora are going together.

Yang and Blake came to get Ruby, Weiss already left with Neptune.

They arrived to pick Ruby up and when she opened the door she started screaming, "HA I KNEW YOU TWO LIKED EACH OTHER YANG WAS-" Ruby was cut off with Yang covering her mouth and then she started talking.

"Alright Ruby that's enough lets go." Yang said quickly, but then Blake started to talk.

"Actually I'd like to hear what Ruby would have to say." She said with a smirk.

"No you wouldn't Blake now let's go you two." Said Yang while Blake and Ruby were laughing.

They finally arrived and Ruby was left alone because everyone had a date, well Penny didn't but she was helping run the food and everything. Ruby was sitting on one of the chairs on the side and then she saw Weiss dancing with Neptune and her emotions were going everywhere. Ruby stood up and went to where the food was because food never disappointed her or betrayed her, food was perfect.

"Hey Ruby are you okay, I know you're probably upset because well Weiss and Neptune." Ruby turned around to see Penny.

"I guess I'm okay, as long as she's happy, and as long as he doesn't break her heart." Ruby said sadly because she wasn't the one making Weiss happy.

"Well Ruby I don't trust Neptune. He's kinda a player. We went to the same high school so well I know."Penny said.

"Wait what? If he breaks her heart I'll break him!" Ruby said a bit too loudly.

The dance was finally over, all Ruby did was eat food the whole time. Ruby finally exited the building and saw Weiss but Weiss was crying.

"Weiss what's wrong?" Ruby said with concern.

"N-Neptune, h-he-" Ruby cut her off.

"Where is he? I'll make him regret what he did!" Ruby was angry now.

"R-Ruby it's fine it's just-" she was cut off once again worth Ruby hugging her, both of their hearts started racing. Weiss has never felt like this with Neptune.

"Weiss, it will be okay I'll always be here for you. You better know that okay?" She whispered in her long white hair.

Weiss could feel Ruby's heart racing just as fast as hers was.

"Thanks Ruby, I don't know what I would do without you. You are the greatest friend anyone could have." Said Weiss, but when she said friend, it hurt her for some reason. Did Weiss also want more?

Tears were started to build up in Ruby's eyes, she was at the point where she couldn't take it anymore.

"Weiss there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, I-"

A/n: Cliffhanger hehe hope people are enjoying this so far hehehe

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